首页 > 解决方案 > Assigning a UCC Cert to multiple domains that all reside on a single Dedicated Server via IIS?


So here's the scenario: I bought a UCC through GoDaddy. We host multiple web applications on a dedicated server which I access via RDP. UCC is meant to give you the ability to assign the same cert to multiple domains (GoDaddy told us 10). I added the domains to the UCC via GoDaddy's dashboard, then downloaded and installed the cert on the server.

Defining the Domains on GoDaddy

However, when attempting to assign the cert to each web app in IIS, a few things happen. 1) It warns me when I try to assign the cert to more than 1 application, 2) The "Host Name" field is greyed out when editing the site bindings, and 3) Once I assign the cert to the 2nd website, all traffic starts redirecting to the website I first assigned the cert to.

Here you see the Host Name Grey Out

Does anyone know how to accomplish what I want?

标签: windowsssliisssl-certificate


您似乎在 IIS 7.5 或更低版本中应用了非通配符证书。如果您正在应用没有通配符公用名的证书,IIS 将显示主机名字段。



