首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Pytorch 的高级库中实现参数化元学习器?


我想在论文OPTIMIZATION AS A MODEL FOR FEW-SHOT LEARNING中实现 meta-lstm 元学习器,但我发现了问题。我发现如果不删除(似乎是这条关键线),我就无法使其工作:



#self.param_groups = _copy.deepcopy(other.param_groups)
self.param_groups = other.param_groups




# base on the paper "OPTIMIZATION AS A MODEL FOR FEW-SHOT LEARNING": https://openreview.net/pdf?id=rJY0-Kcll

class EmptySimpleMetaLstm(Optimizer):

    def __init__(self, params, trainable_opt_model, trainable_opt_state, *args, **kwargs):
        defaults = {
        super().__init__(params, defaults)

class SimpleMetaLstm(DifferentiableOptimizer):

    def _update(self, grouped_grads, **kwargs):
        prev_lr = self.param_groups[0]['trainable_opt_state']['prev_lr']
        eta = self.param_groups[0]['trainable_opt_model']['eta']
        # start differentiable & trainable update
        zipped = zip(self.param_groups, grouped_grads)
        for group_idx, (group, grads) in enumerate(zipped):
            for p_idx, (p, g) in enumerate(zip(group['params'], grads)):
                if g is None:
                # get gradient as "data"
                g = g.detach() # gradients of gradients are not used (no hessians)
                ## very simplified version of meta-lstm meta-learner
                input_metalstm = torch.stack([p, g, prev_lr.view(1,1)]).view(1,3) # [p, g, prev_lr] note it's missing loss, normalization etc. see original paper
                lr = eta(input_metalstm).view(1)
                fg = 1 - lr # learnable forget rate
                ## update suggested by meta-lstm meta-learner
                p_new = fg*p - lr*g
                group['params'][p_idx] = p_new
        # fake returns
        self.param_groups[0]['trainable_opt_state']['prev_lr'] = lr

higher.register_optim(EmptySimpleMetaLstm, SimpleMetaLstm)

def test_parametrized_inner_optimizer():
    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    import torch.optim as optim
    from collections import OrderedDict

    ## training config
    #device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    track_higher_grads = True # if True, during unrolled optimization the graph be retained, and the fast weights will bear grad funcs, so as to permit backpropagation through the optimization process. False during test time for efficiency reasons
    copy_initial_weights = False # if False then we train the base models initial weights (i.e. the base model's initialization)
    episodes = 5
    nb_inner_train_steps = 5
    ## get base model
    base_mdl = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
        ('fc', nn.Linear(1,1, bias=False)),
        ('relu', nn.ReLU())
    ## parametrization/mdl for the inner optimizer
    opt_mdl = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
        ('fc', nn.Linear(3,1, bias=False)), # 3 inputs 1 for parameter, 1 for gradient, 1 for previous lr
        ('sigmoid', nn.Sigmoid())
    ## get outer optimizer (not differentiable nor trainable)
    outer_opt = optim.Adam([{'params': base_mdl.parameters()},{'params': opt_mdl.parameters()}], lr=0.01)
    for episode in range(episodes):
        ## get fake support & query data (from a single task and 1 data point)
        spt_x, spt_y, qry_x, qry_y = torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1)
        ## get differentiable & trainable (parametrized) inner optimizer
        inner_opt = EmptySimpleMetaLstm(base_mdl.parameters(), trainable_opt_model={'eta': opt_mdl}, trainable_opt_state={'prev_lr': 0.9*torch.randn(1)})
        with higher.innerloop_ctx(base_mdl, inner_opt, copy_initial_weights=copy_initial_weights, track_higher_grads=track_higher_grads) as (fmodel, diffopt):
            for i_inner in range(nb_inner_train_steps): # this current version implements full gradient descent on k_shot examples (which is usually small  5)
                # base/child model forward pass
                inner_loss = 0.5*((fmodel(spt_x) - spt_y))**2
                # inner-opt update
            ## Evaluate on query set for current task
            qry_loss = 0.5*((fmodel(qry_x) - qry_y))**2
            qry_loss.backward() # for memory efficient computation
        ## outer update
        print(f'episode = {episode}')
        print(f'base_mdl.grad = {base_mdl.fc.weight.grad}')
        print(f'opt_mdl.grad = {opt_mdl.fc.weight.grad}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Done \a')

output when deep copy is uncommented (parametrized optimizer trains properly):
episode = 0
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[-0.0351]])
opt_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.0085, 0.0000, 0.0204]])
episode = 1
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.0311]])
opt_mdl.grad = tensor([[-0.0086, -0.0100,  0.0358]])
episode = 2
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.]])
opt_mdl.grad = tensor([[0., 0., 0.]])
episode = 3
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.0066]])
opt_mdl.grad = tensor([[-0.0016,  0.0000, -0.0032]])
episode = 4
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[-0.0311]])
opt_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.0077, 0.0000, 0.0130]])
when deep copy is on (paremeters of inner optimizer are not train, sad!):
episode = 0
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.]])
opt_mdl.grad = None
episode = 1
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.]])
opt_mdl.grad = None
episode = 2
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.0069]])
opt_mdl.grad = None
episode = 3
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.]])
opt_mdl.grad = None
episode = 4
base_mdl.grad = tensor([[0.]])
opt_mdl.grad = None
The deep copy line in higher I am referencing:
        self.param_groups = _copy.deepcopy(other.param_groups)
        #self.param_groups = other.param_groups





override(可选)– 字典映射优化器设置(即那些将传递给优化器构造函数或在参数组中提供的那些)到覆盖值的单例列表,或长度等于参数数量的覆盖值列表团体。如果为关键字提供了单个覆盖,则它将用于所有参数组。如果提供了列表,则列表的第 i 个元素将覆盖第 i 个参数组中的相应设置。这允许将需要梯度的张量传递给可微优化器,以用作优化器设置。


Exception has occurred: ValueError 
Mismatch between the number of override tensors for optimizer parameter trainable_opt_model and the number of parameter groups.
seems like it checks that these lengths match... 

def _apply_override(self, override: _OverrideType) -> None: 
for k, v in override.items(): 
# Sanity check 
if (len(v) != 1) and (len(v) != len(self.param_groups)


inner_opt = EmptySimpleMetaLstm( base_mdl.parameters() )
with higher.innerloop_ctx(base_mdl, inner_opt, copy_initial_weights=copy_initial_weights, track_higher_grads=track_higher_grads) as (fmodel, diffopt):
     diffopt.override = {'trainable_opt_model': opt_mdl, 'trainable_opt_state': {'prev_lr': 0.9*torch.randn(1)} }



标签: machine-learningdeep-learningpytorch


不是 100% 确定这是您想要的,但是如果您可以将内部循环训练表达为一系列,例如 SGD(或另一个简单的优化器)更新,其参数例如lr由您想要训练的 NN 计算(例如 LSTM)然后你可以在override每次调用diffopt.step. 这是一个玩具示例:

def test_parametrized_inner_optimizer():
    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    import torch.optim as optim
    from collections import OrderedDict
    import higher

    ## training config
    #device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    track_higher_grads = True # if True, during unrolled optimization the graph be retained, and the fast weights will bear grad funcs, so as to permit backpropagation through the optimization process. False during test time for efficiency reasons
    copy_initial_weights = False # if False then we train the base models initial weights (i.e. the base model's initialization)
    episodes = 5
    nb_inner_train_steps = 5
    ## get base model
    base_mdl = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
        ('fc', nn.Linear(1,1, bias=False)),
        ('relu', nn.LeakyReLU()) # using LeakyReLU here otherwise too often getting 0 gradients on everything :) 
    ## parametrization/mdl for the inner optimizer
    opt_mdl = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
        ('fc', nn.Linear(3,1, bias=False)), # 3 inputs [p, g, prev_lr] 1 for parameter, 1 for gradient, 1 for previous lr
        ('sigmoid', nn.Sigmoid())
    par = torch.tensor([0.2], requires_grad=True) # is that what you mean by parameters?

    ## get outer optimizer (not differentiable nor trainable)
    outer_opt = optim.Adam([{'params': base_mdl.parameters()},{'params': opt_mdl.parameters()}], lr=0.01)
    for episode in range(episodes):
        ## get fake support & query data (from a single task and 1 data point)
        spt_x, spt_y, qry_x, qry_y = torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1), torch.randn(1)
        ## get differentiable reference optimizer
        inner_opt = torch.optim.SGD(base_mdl.parameters(), lr=0.1) # lr will be overriden
        with higher.innerloop_ctx(base_mdl, inner_opt, copy_initial_weights=copy_initial_weights, track_higher_grads=track_higher_grads) as (fmodel, diffopt):
            prev_lr = torch.tensor([0.1]) # or whatever supposed to be used at first step as prev_lr input for opt_mdl
            for i_inner in range(nb_inner_train_steps): # this current version implements full gradient descent on k_shot examples (which is usually small  5)
                # base/child model forward pass
                inner_loss = 0.5*((fmodel(spt_x) - spt_y))**2

                # latest_grad is same thing as the one we will use for inner optimizer step, but we
                # need it before the step because we will also produce lr based on it using opt_mdl
                latest_grad = torch.autograd.grad(
                        inner_loss, fmodel.parameters(), retain_graph=True, create_graph=True) # create_graph makes the gradient returned not just separate tensor, but something gradients can propagate through
                latest_grad = latest_grad[0].reshape(-1)

                # inner-opt update
                lr_as_output_of_another_model_can_be_lstm_or_whatever = opt_mdl(torch.stack((par, latest_grad, prev_lr)).reshape(1, -1))[0]
                diffopt.step(inner_loss, override={'lr': lr_as_output_of_another_model_can_be_lstm_or_whatever})
                prev_lr = lr_as_output_of_another_model_can_be_lstm_or_whatever
            ## Evaluate on query set for current task
            qry_loss = 0.5*((fmodel(qry_x) - qry_y))**2
            qry_loss.backward() # for memory efficient computation
        ## outer update
        print(f'episode = {episode}')
        print(f'base_mdl.grad = {base_mdl.fc.weight.grad}')
        print(f'opt_mdl.grad = {opt_mdl.fc.weight.grad}')


申请时注意create_graph=Truein addition to的retain_graph=True使用torch.autograd.grad。如果我们不这样做,那么我们就不会通过梯度输入将梯度传播到这里计算 lr 的 NN(参考文章的第 3.3.1 段建议简化计算而不在那里传播梯度,但这里可以通过以下方式进行选择提供create_graph=True或不提供)。
