首页 > 解决方案 > How do I set up a deep relation in Eloquent?


Consider the following world model:

The (simplified) database schema implementing this model looks like this:

Database schema

Setting up the Eloquent many-to-many relationship between User and UserGroup via the user_group_pivot table is straight forward, as is the equivalent relationship between Repo and RepoGroup. The access_rights table is a pivot table with additional access information, but the relationship between ClientGroup and RepoGroup is also many-to-many, and equally straight forward. Now the following challenges remain:

  1. The relationship between UserGroup and Repo
  2. The relationship between RepoGroup and User
  3. The relationship between User and Repo

This is the code I've got so far:

class User extends Model {
    public function userGroups() {
        return $this->belongsToMany(UserGroup::class, 'user_group_pivot');

    public function repos() {
        # Eloquent wizard can makez magic here?

    public function repoGroups() {
        # Eloquent wizard can makez magic here?

class UserGroup extends Model {
    public function users() {
        return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'user_group_pivot');

    public function repos() {
        # Eloquent wizard can makez magic here?

    public function repoGroups() {
        return $this->belongsToMany(RepoGroup::class, 'access_rights')


class RepoGroup extends Model {
    public function repos() {
        return $this->belongsToMany(Repo::class, 'repo_group_pivot');

    public function users() {
        # Eloquent wizard can makez magic here?

    public function userGroups() {
        return $this->belongsToMany(UserGroup::class, 'access_rights')

class Repo extends Model {
    public function repoGroups() {
        return $this->belongsToMany(RepoGroup::class, 'repo_group_pivot');

    public function repos() {
        # Eloquent wizard can makez magic here?

    public function repoGroups() {
        # Eloquent wizard can makez magic here?

I've scoured the web looking for examples similar to this, but they either blatantly plagiarize the Laravel docs or are equally trivial. I've been playing around with the Model::hasManyThrough() relationship, but to no avail. Hence I put my hopes in the Eloquent wizards of the world. I can haz helps, pliis?

标签: phplaraveleloquentmany-to-manyhas-many-through




$repos = [];
foreach($user->userGroups() as $userGroup){
   foreach($userGroup->repoGroups() as $repoGroup){
       foreach($repoGroup->repos() as $repo){
          $repos[] = $repo;

如果您担心性能(例如在处理大量用户期间),您可以在使用来自数据库的 repos 获取用户期间使用预先加载

$users = App\User::with(['userGroups.repoGroups.repos'])->get();
