首页 > 解决方案 > 从VBA中的字符串中提取数据的最佳方法


大家好,像许多人一样,我正在将我的 covid 时间转换为编码。共病?:)

我需要在 Excel 中使用 VBA 从字符串中提取子字符串,并希望获得有关可用解决方案的建议。我认为正则表达式将是要走的路,但实际上我很不确定,因为我对正则表达式相当不熟悉,这可能很复杂。也许有一些我不知道的更简单的解决方案,非常感谢任何建议。

这些字符串源自开源 mybb 论坛的英文文件。我正在创建一个 Excel 工作簿来帮助翻译人员,我将把它捐赠给他们的社区。

需要的是删除 html,并将每个子字符串放在相邻的单元格中。模式是:


示例 1:

"You are currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. <a href=\"{1}\">View the full version</a> with proper formatting."

示例 2:

"<b>Private</b> Only you will be able to view this event. (Registered Users Only)."

示例 3:

 " This day does not have any events associated with it.<p><a href=\'calendar.php?action=addevent&amp;calendar={1}&amp;day={2}&amp;month={3}&amp;year={4}\'>Post an Event</a>.</p>"


"<p><br />[list]<br />[*]List Item #1<br />[*]List Item #2<br />[*]List Item #3<br />[/list]<br /><ul><li>List item #1</li><li>List item #2</li><li>List Item #3</li>"



<span title=\"{1}\">Today</span>

<span title=\"{1}\">Yesterday</span>

<span title=\"{5}{6}\">{1}{2} {3} {4}</span>

You are currently using <strong>{1}</strong>.

<br /><br />You are encouraged to register; once you register you will be able to post messages, set your own preferences, and maintain a profile.

<br /><br />Some of the features that generally require registration are subscriptions, changing of styles, accessing of your Personal Notepad and emailing forum members.

<br /><br />Cookies are small text documents stored on your computer; the cookies set by this forum can only be used on this website and pose no security risk.

<br /><br />Cookies on this forum also track the specific topics you have read and when you last read them.

<p><br />[url]http://www.example.com/[/url]<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"http://www.example.com/\">http://www.example.com/</a>

<p>[url=http://www.example.com/]Example.com[/url]<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"http://www.example.com/\">Example.com</a>

<p>[email]example@example.com[/email]<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"mailto:example@example.com\">example@example.com</a>

标签: regexexcelvbastring


假设您的源字符串在 A 列中:

Sub Demo()
Dim i As Long, r As Long, c As Long, StrIn As String, StrOut As String
With ActiveSheet
  For r = 1 To .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
    StrIn = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & r).Text: c = 1
    For i = 0 To UBound(Split(StrIn, ">"))
      If Split(StrIn, ">")(i) <> "" Then
        If Split(Split(StrIn, ">")(i), "<")(0) <> "" Then
          c = c + 1
          .Cells(r, c).Value = Split(Split(StrIn, ">")(i), "<")(0)
        End If
      End If
End With
End Sub
