首页 > 解决方案 > 从 Django 中的两个表中计算发票应用程序的总值


我正在尝试创建一个将从相关表生成数据的发票,但我不确定如何继续。本质上,一个Invoice实例应该捕获在模型中找到的记录小时数Timesheet并乘以在另一个表中找到的速率(ProjectUser)我附上了数据库模式的样子:https ://dbdiagram.io/d/5ef0e2bc9ea313663b3ae6e4

如何amount使用来自ProjectUser(user_hour_cost) 和Timesheet( day_1through day_7) 的数据填充 Invoice ModelForm 上的字段。

user_hour_cost是 500,day_1通过值的总和day_7是 50。如何在发票表单上显示金额值25000?(500 * 50)。

标签: djangodjango-models



cost_data = []
grand_total = 0.00
for user_timesheet in Timesheet.objects.filter(week=1).all(): # or whatever date range you want, etc.

    # you can optimize this by joining the Timesheet and ProjectUser queries as an alternative
    project_user = ProjectUser.objects.get(user=user_timesheet.user)
    rate = project_user.user_hour_cost
    user_total = 0.00
    user_data = { 'user': project_user.user }

    # loop over the 7-day range
    for i in range(1,7):
       day_key = f"day_{str(i)}"
       user_data[day_key] = decimal(user_timesheet.get_day_hours(i) * rate)
       user_total += decimal(user_timesheet.get_day_hours(i) * rate)
    user_data['total'] = user_total
    grand_total += user_data['total']
    user_data = {} # clear it just to be safe

context = { 'cost_data': cost_data, 'grand_total': grand_total }
return render(request, 'template.html', context)


  {% for user_data in cost_data %}
        Username: {{ user_data.user.username }} //accessing the User object
        Person Total: {{ user_data.total }} //the total amount for this person
        Day 1: {{ user_data.day_1 }} //day 1 total
        Day 2: {{ user_data.day_2 }} //day 2 total
        Day 7: {{ user_data.day_7 }} //day 7 total
  {% endfor %}

  Invoice Total: {{ grand_total }} //total for the whole invoice

最后,您将需要在 Timesheet 模型中使用一个方法,以使此特定代码能够像这样工作:

class Timesheet(models.Model):
     def get_day_hours(self, day):
         # there are other ways to do this as well, this was just the easiest for right now
         if day == 1:
             return self.day_1
         elif day == 2:
             return self.day_2
         elif day == 7:
             return self.day_7

这本质上是伪代码,不知道你拥有的实际代码,而且有点粗糙(有可能用更少的 python 代码在数据库中执行这一切)。可能还有其他更有效的方法来实现这一点,但这是我想到的。
