首页 > 解决方案 > 制作数组的副本未按预期工作



def floor_room_IDs():
    global floor_roomIDs
    rand_ID = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]
    r_y = 0
    for Layer in floor_roomIDs:
        r_x = 0
        for Tile in Layer:
            floor_roomIDs[r_y][r_x] = floor_map[r_y][r_x]
            r_x += 1
        r_y += 1
    r_y = 0
    for Layer in floor_roomIDs:
        r_x = 0
        for Title in Layer:
            if floor_roomIDs[r_y][r_x] == '1':
                room_ID = rand_ID.pop(random.randint(0, len(rand_ID)-1))
                room_ID_level = globals()['r' + str(room_ID)]
                globals()['rc' + str(room_ID)] = room_ID_level.copy()   
                roomC_ID = 'rc' + str(room_ID)
                floor_roomIDs[r_y][r_x] = str(roomC_ID)
            if floor_roomIDs[r_y][r_x] == 2:
                floor_roomIDs[r_y][r_x] = 'r2'
            if floor_roomIDs[r_y][r_x] == '3':
                floor_roomIDs[r_y][r_x] = 'r3'            
            r_x += 1
        r_y += 1 
def floor_doors():
    global floor_map
    r_y = 0
    for Layer in floor_map:
        r_x = 0
        for Tile in Layer:
            if floor_map[r_y][r_x] == '1' or floor_map[r_y][r_x] == 2:
                door_right = False
                door_bottom = False
                door_left = False 
                door_top = False
                if r_x < 8:
                    if floor_map[r_y][r_x+1] != '/':
                        door_right = True
                if r_y < 8:
                    if floor_map[r_y+1][r_x] != '/':
                        door_bottom = True 
                if r_x > 0:
                    if floor_map[r_y][r_x-1] != '/':
                        door_left = True 
                if r_y > 0:
                    if floor_map[r_y-1][r_x] != '/':
                        door_top = True
                if door_top == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'a'
                if door_left == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'b'
                if door_bottom == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'c'   
                if door_right == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'd'     
                if door_top == True and door_left == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'e' 
                if door_top == True and door_bottom == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'f' 
                if door_top == True and door_right == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'g'   
                if door_left == True and door_bottom == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'h'
                if door_left == True and door_right == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'i'  
                if door_bottom == True and door_right == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'j'  
                if door_top == True and door_left == True and door_right == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'k'   
                if door_top == True and door_bottom == True and door_right == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'l'    
                if door_left == True and door_bottom == True and door_right == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'm'
                if door_top == True and door_bottom == True and door_left == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'n'
                if door_top == True and door_bottom == True and door_right == True and door_left == True:
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 'o'                 
            r_x += 1        
        r_y += 1  
def floor_validate(): 
    global room_amount
    room_amount = 0
    end_room = 0
    r_y = 0
    for Layer in floor_map:
        r_x = 0
        for Tile in Layer: 
            if floor_map[r_y][r_x] == '1':
                room_amount += 1
            if r_y == 0 or r_y == 1 or r_y == 8 or r_y == 7 or r_x == 0 or r_x == 1 or r_x == 8 or r_x == 7:
                if floor_map[r_y][r_x] == '1':
                    if end_room == 0:
                        if r_y == 8 and r_x != 8 and r_x != 0:
                            if floor_map[r_y-1][r_x] == '1':
                                end_room += 1
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x+1] == '1':
                                end_room += 1
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x-1] == '1':
                                end_room += 1
                        if r_y == 0 and r_x != 8 and r_x != 0:
                            if floor_map[r_y+1][r_x] == '1':
                                end_room += 1
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x+1] == '1':
                                end_room += 1 
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x-1] == '1':
                                end_room += 1         
                        if r_x == 0 and r_y != 8 and r_y != 0:
                            if floor_map[r_y+1][r_x] == '1':
                                end_room += 1
                            if floor_map[r_y-1][r_x] == '1':
                                end_room += 1 
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x+1] == '1':
                                end_room += 1    
                        if r_x == 8 and r_y != 8 and r_y != 0:
                            if floor_map[r_y+1][r_x] == '1':
                                end_room += 1
                            if floor_map[r_y-1][r_x] == '1':
                                end_room += 1 
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x-1] == '1':
                                end_room += 1                      
                        if r_y == 0 and r_x == 0:
                            if floor_map[r_y+1][r_x] == '1':
                                end_room += 1
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x+1] == '1':
                                end_room += 1
                        if r_y == 0 and r_x == 8:
                            if floor_map[r_y+1][r_x] == '1':
                                end_room += 1
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x-1] == '1':
                                end_room += 1 
                        if r_y == 8 and r_x == 0:
                            if floor_map[r_y-1][r_x] == '1':
                                end_room += 1
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x+1] == '1':
                                end_room += 1      
                        if r_y == 8 and r_x == 8:
                            if floor_map[r_y-1][r_x] == '1':
                                end_room += 1
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x-1] == '1':
                                end_room += 1    
                        if end_room > 1:
                            end_room = 0
                        if end_room == 1:
                            floor_map[r_y][r_x] = 2
            r_x += 1
        r_y += 1
    if room_amount < 18 or room_amount > 22 or end_room != 1:
def make_floor_outline():
    global floor_map
    global floor_roomIDs
    read = [['/','/','/','/','/','/','/','/','/'],
    floor_map = [['/','/','/','/','/','/','/','/','/'],
    floor_roomIDs = [['/','/','/','/','/','/','/','/','/'],
    for i in range(0, 17):
        r_y = 0
        for Layer in floor_map:
            r_x = 0
            for Tile in Layer:
                if Tile == '3':
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x+1] = '1'
                    floor_map[r_y][r_x-1] = '1'
                    floor_map[r_y+1][r_x] = '1'
                    floor_map[r_y-1][r_x] = '1'
                if Tile == '1':
                    if read[r_y][r_x] == '/':
                        read[r_y][r_x] = '1'
                        if r_y < 8:
                            if floor_map[r_y+1][r_x] == '/':
                                random_roomcount = random.randint(0,3)
                                if random_roomcount == 1:
                                    floor_map[r_y+1][r_x] = '1'
                        if r_y > 0:
                            if floor_map[r_y-1][r_x] == '/':
                                random_roomcount = random.randint(0,3)
                                if random_roomcount == 1:
                                    floor_map[r_y-1][r_x] = '1'
                        if r_x < 8:
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x+1] == '/':
                                random_roomcount = random.randint(0,3)
                                if random_roomcount == 1:
                                    floor_map[r_y][r_x+1] = '1' 
                        if r_x > 0:
                            if floor_map[r_y][r_x-1] == '/':    
                                random_roomcount = random.randint(0,3)
                                if random_roomcount == 1:
                                    floor_map[r_y][r_x-1] = '1'  
                r_x += 1    
            r_y += 1  

每当我想制作新地板时,我都会调用它。我的房间是数组,r1 = [..] r2 = [..] 等。我尝试做的是复制其中一个数组并将其用作我的房间,这样我就不会更改原始数组。但是,当我到下一层,再次调用该函数并制作数组的副本时,它们与原始数组不同,而是与我第一次调用该函数时复制的数组相同。为什么是这样?

标签: pythonarraysfunctioncopy


在 python 中使用=永远不会复制任何东西。绝不。

要制作副本,最好使用copypython 中的模块。您可以在 python 中制作对象的浅拷贝和深拷贝。


>>> import copy
>>> l = [1, 2, 3]
>>> lc = copy.deepcopy(l)
>>> lc
[1, 2, 3]
>>> lc.append(4)
>>> l
[1, 2, 3]
>>> lc
[1, 2, 3, 4]
