首页 > 解决方案 > 用 IF 同时插入两个表



我正在尝试同时将数据插入两个表中。第一个条件 IF 可以,但第二个条件 ELSE 不行。我在下面包括我的插入代码。我已经用 ELSE 和 ELSEIF 尝试过,即使是 IF,但它不起作用。

if (isset($_POST['save')) {
    if (@$_POST['id_confrontations'] == "") {
        @$description = $_POST['description'];
        @$dt_confrontation = $_POST['dt_confrontation'];
        @$id_competitions = $_POST['id_competitions'];
        @$id_stages = $_POST['id_stages'];
        @$score1 = $_POST['score1'];
        @$score2 = $_POST['score2'];
        @$mandant_club = $_POST['mandant_club'];
        @$visitor club = $_POST['visitor_club'];
        @$situation = $_POST['situation'];
        @$phase = $_POST['phase'];
        @$id_trainers = $_POST['id_trainers'];
        @$history = $_POST['history'];

        //saves the record in the "confrontations" table - In this case insertion is perfect

        $confrontations = "INSERT INTO confrontations 
                            (description, dt_confrontation, id_competitions, 
                            stadiums_id, score1, scoring2, binder_club, 
                            situation, stage, id_trainers, history) 
                VALUES ('$description','$dt_confrontation','$id_competitions',

        //saves the record in the "panel" table - In IF insertion is perfect, but in ELSE it inserts as if it were IF
        //In the IF rule the mandating_club would be == '1', so the GF would receive the score1 and the GC would receive the score2
        //In the ELSE rule the visiting_club would be == '1', so the GC would receive the score1 and the GF would receive the score2

        if(visiting_club != '1'){
            $panel = "INSERT INTO panel (GF, GC, binant_club, visitor_club, id_competitions, status, status) 
                    VALUES ('$score1','$scor2','$mandant_club','$visitor_club',
            $panel = "INSERT INTO panel 
                                (GC, GF, mandant_club, visitor_club, 
                                id_competitions, status, status) 
                    VALUES ('$score1','$scor2','$mandant_club',


标签: phpmysql



  1. 这个变量@$visitor club = $_POST['visitor_club']; 应该@$visitor_club

  2. 您声明变量 @$history = $_POST['history']; 但是在将数据插入 [confrontations] 表时调用 $historia 变量。

  3. 您开始 ["] 双引号将数据插入表 [confrontations],但结束 ['] 单引号。

  4. 您的表格 [confrontations] 的插入代码。您声明 [11] 列名,但您声明 [12] 列值。因此,您现在应该在数据插入代码中使用相同的列名和值。

  5. 当您将数据插入 [panel] 表时,您的代码如下

    INSERT INTO 面板(GF、GC、binant_club、visitor_club、id_competitions、status、status)


注意:如果你想用 MySQL 创建一个插入代码。转到 PHP MyAdmin 并选择您的数据库 >> 选择您的表 >> 单击插入 >> 插入一个虚拟数据 >> 现在 MySQL 为 PHP 生成一个自动插入代码。通过更改列值将此代码用于插入数据。

