首页 > 解决方案 > PHP 互操作性 - 打印语句未在命令行中显示


我遇到了 PHP 没有从 Fortran 返回打印语句的问题。这个想法是 PHP 执行一个命令来编译一个 Fortran 文件然后运行它。

您被要求通过打印语句输入一个数字,问题是没有显示 CMD 但程序按预期工作 - 当我输入“不正确”数字时,它会等待我输入“正确”数字然后完成执行.

如何让命令行打印嵌套在 Fortran 文件中的语句?

PHP 脚本

// This is a script to test interoperability between Fortran and PHP
$ExecutionStringOne = "gfortran C:\Users\****\Desktop\Programs\Fortran_Programs\FibSequence.f95 -o C:\Users\****\Desktop\Programs\Fortran_Programs\FibSequenceTest";
$ExecutionStringTwo = "C:\Users\*****\Desktop\Programs\Fortran_Programs\FibSequenceTest.exe";
exec ($ExecutionStringOne);
exec ($ExecutionStringTwo);

Fortran 代码:

! This program will calculate the first 7 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence with user input as well as error checking
    Program FibSequence
        implicit none
        ! Defining our global variables 
        Integer :: acceptValue, n_terms          ! Accept Value: 0, 1 - This tracks whether input is correct (0 False, 1 True) , N_terms: Number of terms
        real    :: timeForSubRoutineStart, timeForSubRoutineEnd, totalTime ! Tracks execution time of subroutine
        write(*,*) "Please input an amount of terms to calculate sequentially to - This number can be between 1 and 7"
        read *, n_terms
        if (n_terms > 0 .AND. n_terms <= 7) then
            acceptValue = 1                      ! This is true therefore run program (This isnt really needed but for consistency)
            Call calculateSequence(n_terms)
            acceptValue = 0                      ! This is false therefore run the read again and keep doing so until the output is correct
            do while ( acceptValue == 0 )
                write(*,*) "Invalid number please enter one within the given range - Range ( 1 - 7 )"
                read *, n_terms
                if (n_terms > 0 .AND. n_terms <= 7) then 
                    acceptValue = 1                     !Yay correct input
                    Call calculateSequence(n_terms)
                    write(*,*) "Invalid number, try again" !Boo invalid input
                end if 
            end do
        end if
    End Program
    Subroutine calculateSequence(NumberOfTerms)
        Integer :: pt1 = 0, pt2 = 1
        Integer :: pt3
        Call CPU_TIME(timeForSubRoutineStart)
        i = NumberOfTerms
        do while (i > 0)
            pt3 = pt1
            pt1 = pt1 + pt2
            pt2 = pt3
            i = i-1
            write(*,*) "Point A Equals", pt1, "Point B Equals", pt2, "Calculated Next Number", pt3
            write(*,*) "Current Term = ", i
            write(*,*) "This program calculated this many points ", NumberOfTerms
            write(*,*) "End" 
        end do
        Call CPU_TIME(timeForSubRoutineEnd)
        totalTime = timeEnd - timeBegin
        write(*,*) "This program took ", totalTime, " seconds to execute"
    end Subroutine calculateSequence


编辑 - 添加了关于问题@roygvib Suggested ECHO 的新图像,它现在正在返回一些打印语句


标签: phpfortranphp-7fortran95


在用户的帮助下@roygvib 我能够找到问题的解决方案。

PHP 执行文件和命令的几种不同方法 - 问题集中使用的一种方法是exec()执行程序而不返回任何输出。



system ($ExecutionStringOne);
system ($ExecutionStringTwo);
