首页 > 解决方案 > 难以理解为什么可能在 Haskell 中键入签名



-- findPassword :: Map.Map Hash Passwd -> Int -> Hash -> Maybe Passwd
findPassword rTable width hashVal = do
    let usefulHashes = take (width+1) (iterate (pwHash.pwReduce) hashVal)
    let hashesInMap = [i | i <- usefulHashes, Map.member i rTable]
    let goodPass = [ rTable Map.! j | j <- hashesInMap]
    let findPass = listToMaybe [ helper k hashVal width | k <- goodPass, (helper k hashVal width) /= "" ] 
    return findPass
        helper :: Passwd -> Hash -> Int -> Passwd
        helper passW hashVal width
            | (pwHash passW) == hashVal   = passW
            | width == 0                  = ""
            | otherwise                   = helper (pwReduce (pwHash passW)) hashVal (width-1)

在这个函数中,我将一个哈希值映射表(Int32)作为密码(字符串)的键,并尝试在表中找到给定的哈希值。一旦我找到我正在寻找的密码,我就会使用 listToMaybe 并将值作为可能的 Passwd 返回。但是,当我运行它时,我收到此错误:

* Couldn't match type `Maybe Passwd' with `[Char]'
      Expected type: Maybe Passwd
        Actual type: Maybe (Maybe Passwd)
    * In a stmt of a 'do' block: return result
      In the expression:
        do let usefulHashes
                 = take (width + 1) (iterate (pwHash . pwReduce) hashVal)
           let hashesInMap = ...
           let goodPass = ...
           let findPass = ...
      In an equation for `findPassword':
          findPassword rTable width hashVal
            = do let usefulHashes = ...
                 let hashesInMap = ...
                 let goodPass = ...
                turntoMaybe :: [Passwd] -> Maybe Passwd
                turntoMaybe list = listToMaybe list
                helper :: Passwd -> Hash -> Int -> Passwd
                helper passW hashVal width
                  | (pwHash passW) == hashVal = passW
                  | width == 0 = ""
                  | otherwise = helper (pwReduce (pwHash passW)) hashVal (width - 1)
78 |     return result

所以我的问题是为什么它期望一个 Maybe (Maybe Passwd) 值?如果我将类型签名切换为 Maybe (Maybe Passwd),它可以工作,但输出预期为双 Just Just“Passwd”。如果我删除类型签名,它就可以正常工作。这只是项目其余部分的一小部分,所以如果需要任何澄清,请告诉我。

标签: haskelltypesmaybetype-signature


Haskell 不是 Java。您不应该以return. 要让它工作,只需更改return findPassfindPass. 您还应该考虑删除冗余do块并仅使用where而不是所有lets.
