首页 > 解决方案 > SignTool 报告的 Windows 10 驱动程序没有签名,但已签名


我已经检查了这个 USB 设备仿真 (UDE) 项目:https ://github.com/microsoft/UDE/tree/master/UDEMbimClientSample

该项目在 Visual Studio 19 社区下的发布配置中正确构建了 x64 目标的驱动程序:

1>------ Début de la régénération globale : Projet : hostude, Configuration : Release x64 ------
2>------ Début de la régénération globale : Projet : hostudetest, Configuration : Release x64 ------
1>Building 'hostude' with toolset 'WindowsKernelModeDriver10.0' and the 'Desktop' target platform.
1>Stamping x64\Release\hostude.inf
1>Stamping [Version] section with DriverVer=06/28/2020,
1>C:\Users\SCO\source\repos\USB_UDE_Sample\UDEFX_host\driver\hostude.inx(19-19): warning 1324: [Version] section should specify PnpLockdown=1.
2>Building 'hostudetest' with toolset 'WindowsApplicationForDrivers10.0' and the 'Universal' target platform.
2>Génération de code en cours...
1>Génération de code en cours...
2>hostudetest.vcxproj -> C:\Users\SCO\source\repos\USB_UDE_Sample\UDEFX_host\exe\x64\Release\hostudetest.exe
1>hostude.vcxproj -> C:\Users\SCO\source\repos\USB_UDE_Sample\UDEFX_host\driver\x64\Release\hostude.sys
1>Done Adding Additional Store
1>Successfully signed: C:\Users\SCO\source\repos\USB_UDE_Sample\UDEFX_host\driver\x64\Release\hostude.sys
1>catalog file for x64 release
2>Driver is 'Universal'.
1>Signability test complete.
1>Catalog generation complete.
1>Génération du projet "hostude.vcxproj" terminée.
========== Régénération globale : 2 a réussi, 0 a échoué, 0 a été ignoré ==========

生成一个.cat.inf.sys文件,以及一个.cer文件。我使用 certmgr.msc将后者添加到“”和“受信任的发布者”中的本地机器证书存储中。

尝试使用devcon安装驱动程序时,我在以下日志 devcon lo 中收到“未在主题中找到签名”的指示,然后它没有经过数字签名:

>>>  [Device Install (UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices) - USB\VID_1209&PID_0887]
>>>  Section start 2020/06/28 09:34:27.873
      cmd: devcon.exe  install hostude.inf "USB\VID_1209&PID_0887"
     ndv: INF path: C:\Users\SCO\source\repos\USB_UDE_Sample\generes\hostude.inf
     ndv: Install flags: 0x00000001
     ndv: {Update Device Driver - ROOT\SAMPLE\0000}
     ndv:      Search options: 0x00000080
     ndv:      Searching single INF 'C:\Users\SCO\source\repos\USB_UDE_Sample\generes\hostude.inf'
     dvi:      {Build Driver List} 09:34:27.906
     dvi:           Searching for hardware ID(s):
     dvi:                usb\vid_1209&pid_0887
     sig:           {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE} 09:34:27.938
     sig:                Key      = hostude.inf
     sig:                FilePath = c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\hostude.inf
     sig:                Catalog  = c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\KmdfSamples.cat
!    sig:                Verifying file against specific (valid) catalog failed.
!    sig:                Error 0x800b0100: No signature was present in the subject.
     sig:           {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0x800b0100)} 09:34:27.968
     sig:           {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE} 09:34:27.969
     sig:                Key      = hostude.inf
     sig:                FilePath = c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\hostude.inf
     sig:                Catalog  = c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\KmdfSamples.cat
!    sig:                Verifying file against specific Authenticode(tm) catalog failed.
!    sig:                Error 0x800b0100: No signature was present in the subject.
     sig:           {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0x800b0100)} 09:34:27.972
     dvi:           Created Driver Node:
     dvi:                HardwareID   - USB\VID_1209&PID_0887
     dvi:                InfName      - c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\hostude.inf
     dvi:                DevDesc      - Virtual USB Device for UDE sample
     dvi:                Section      - lxhostude.Dev.NT
     dvi:                Rank         - 0x80ff0000
     dvi:                Signer Score - Not digitally signed
     dvi:                DrvDate      - 06/28/2020
     dvi:                Version      -
     dvi:      {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 09:34:27.976
     dvi:      {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV} 09:34:27.977
     dvi:           Default installer: Enter 09:34:27.977
     dvi:                {Select Best Driver}
     dvi:                     Class GUID of device changed to: {78a1c341-4539-11d3-b88d-00c04fad5171}.
     dvi:                     Selected Driver:
     dvi:                          Description - Virtual USB Device for UDE sample
     dvi:                          InfFile     - c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\hostude.inf
     dvi:                          Section     - lxhostude.Dev
     dvi:                {Select Best Driver - exit(0x00000000)}
     dvi:           Default installer: Exit
     dvi:      {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0x00000000)} 09:34:27.981
     ndv:      Force Installing Driver:
     ndv:           Inf Name       - hostude.inf
     ndv:           Driver Date    - 06/28/2020
     ndv:           Driver Version -
     sto:      {Setup Import Driver Package: c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\hostude.inf} 09:34:27.984
     inf:           Provider: TODO-Set-Provider
     inf:           Class GUID: {78A1C341-4539-11d3-B88D-00C04FAD5171}
     inf:           Driver Version: 06/28/2020,
     inf:           Catalog File: KmdfSamples.cat
     sto:           {Copy Driver Package: c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\hostude.inf} 09:34:27.990
     sto:                Driver Package = c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\hostude.inf
     sto:                Flags          = 0x00000007
     sto:                Destination    = C:\Users\ADM160~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{c575c0d5-20a9-eb43-ba83-57838dc44c4f}
     sto:                Copying driver package files to 'C:\Users\ADM160~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{c575c0d5-20a9-eb43-ba83-57838dc44c4f}'.
     flq:                Copying 'c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\KmdfSamples.cat' to 'C:\Users\ADM160~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{c575c0d5-20a9-eb43-ba83-57838dc44c4f}\KmdfSamples.cat'.
     flq:                Copying 'c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\hostude.inf' to 'C:\Users\ADM160~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{c575c0d5-20a9-eb43-ba83-57838dc44c4f}\hostude.inf'.
     flq:                Copying 'c:\users\SCO\source\repos\usb_ude_sample\generes\hostude.sys' to 'C:\Users\ADM160~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{c575c0d5-20a9-eb43-ba83-57838dc44c4f}\hostude.sys'.
     sto:           {Copy Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 09:34:28.010
     pol:           {Driver package policy check} 09:34:28.069
     pol:           {Driver package policy check - exit(0x00000000)} 09:34:28.070
     sto:           {Stage Driver Package: C:\Users\ADM160~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{c575c0d5-20a9-eb43-ba83-57838dc44c4f}\hostude.inf} 09:34:28.070
     inf:                {Query Configurability: C:\Users\ADM160~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{c575c0d5-20a9-eb43-ba83-57838dc44c4f}\hostude.inf} 09:34:28.076
     inf:                     Driver package uses WDF.
     inf:                     Driver package 'hostude.inf' is configurable.
     inf:                {Query Configurability: exit(0x00000000)} 09:34:28.078
     flq:                Copying 'C:\Users\ADM160~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{c575c0d5-20a9-eb43-ba83-57838dc44c4f}\KmdfSamples.cat' to 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{7caccbd7-e000-8346-9111-8852dc2b1d25}\KmdfSamples.cat'.
     flq:                Copying 'C:\Users\ADM160~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{c575c0d5-20a9-eb43-ba83-57838dc44c4f}\hostude.inf' to 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{7caccbd7-e000-8346-9111-8852dc2b1d25}\hostude.inf'.
     flq:                Copying 'C:\Users\ADM160~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{c575c0d5-20a9-eb43-ba83-57838dc44c4f}\hostude.sys' to 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{7caccbd7-e000-8346-9111-8852dc2b1d25}\hostude.sys'.
     sto:                {DRIVERSTORE IMPORT VALIDATE} 09:34:28.096
     sig:                     {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE} 09:34:28.125
     sig:                          Key      = hostude.inf
     sig:                          FilePath = C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{7caccbd7-e000-8346-9111-8852dc2b1d25}\hostude.inf
     sig:                          Catalog  = C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{7caccbd7-e000-8346-9111-8852dc2b1d25}\KmdfSamples.cat
!    sig:                          Verifying file against specific (valid) catalog failed.
!    sig:                          Error 0x800b0100: No signature was present in the subject.
     sig:                     {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0x800b0100)} 09:34:28.129
     sig:                     {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE} 09:34:28.130
     sig:                          Key      = hostude.inf
     sig:                          FilePath = C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{7caccbd7-e000-8346-9111-8852dc2b1d25}\hostude.inf
     sig:                          Catalog  = C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{7caccbd7-e000-8346-9111-8852dc2b1d25}\KmdfSamples.cat
!    sig:                          Verifying file against specific Authenticode(tm) catalog failed.
!    sig:                          Error 0x800b0100: No signature was present in the subject.
     sig:                     {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0x800b0100)} 09:34:28.133
!!!  sig:                     Driver package catalog file does not contain a signature, and Code Integrity is enforced.
!!!  sig:                     Driver package failed signature validation. Error = 0xE0000247
     sto:                {DRIVERSTORE IMPORT VALIDATE: exit(0xe0000247)} 09:34:28.135
!!!  sig:                Driver package failed signature verification. Error = 0xE0000247
!!!  sto:                Failed to import driver package into Driver Store. Error = 0xE0000247
     sto:           {Stage Driver Package: exit(0xe0000247)} 09:34:28.137
     sto:      {Setup Import Driver Package - exit (0xe0000247)} 09:34:28.143
!!!  ndv:      Driver package import failed for device.
!!!  ndv:      Error 0xe0000247: A problem was encountered while attempting to add the driver to the store.
     ndv:      Installing NULL driver.
     dvi:      {Plug and Play Service: Device Install for ROOT\SAMPLE\0000}
!    dvi:           Installing NULL driver!
     dvi:           {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL} 09:34:28.291
     dvi:                Default installer: Enter 09:34:28.292
     dvi:                Default installer: Exit
     dvi:           {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL - exit(0xe000020e)} 09:34:28.293
     dvi:           {DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS} 09:34:28.293
     dvi:                Default installer: Enter 09:34:28.294
     dvi:                Default installer: Exit
     dvi:           {DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS - exit(0x00000000)} 09:34:28.294
     dvi:           {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE} 09:34:28.295
     dvi:                Default installer: Enter 09:34:28.295
!    dvi:                     Installing NULL driver!
     dvi:                     Install Null Driver: Removing device sub-tree. 09:34:28.297
     dvi:                     Install Null Driver: Removing device sub-tree completed. 09:34:28.300
     dvi:                     Install Null Driver: Restarting device. 09:34:28.304
     dvi:                     Install Null Driver: Restarting device completed. 09:34:28.306
     dvi:                     Device Status: 0x01802401, Problem: 0x1c (0x00000000)
     dvi:                     Install Device: Starting device 'ROOT\SAMPLE\0000'. 09:34:28.307
     dvi:                     Install Device: Starting device completed. 09:34:28.310
     dvi:                Default installer: Exit
     dvi:           {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE - exit(0x00000000)} 09:34:28.311
     ump:      {Plug and Play Service: Device Install exit(00000000)}
     ndv: {Update Device Driver - exit(e0000247)}
!!!  ndv: Failed to install device instance 'ROOT\SAMPLE\0000'. Error = 0xe0000247
<<<  Section end 2020/06/28 09:34:28.316
<<<  [Exit status: FAILURE(0xe0000247)]

实际上,使用以下 signtool 命令行,表明该文件未签名:

C:\Users\SCO\source\repos\USB_UDE_Sample\generes>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\signtool.Exe" verify /v /kp /c kmdfsamples.cat hostude.inf

Verifying: hostude.inf
File is signed in catalog: C:\Users\SCO\source\repos\USB_UDE_Sample\generes\kmdfsamples.cat
Hash of file (sha1): 91E53BD8390C9843F9B856C2138CBF1A6BAFB3EA
SignTool Error: No signature found.
SignTool Error: File not valid: hostude.inf

Number of files successfully Verified: 0
Number of warnings: 0
Number of errors: 1

不幸的是,当我右键单击驱动程序文件 (hostude.sys) 时,我可以看到显示证书的窗格。


这里有什么问题?什么可以解释这种差异?我对 WDK 的东西还很陌生,无法向我解释。

标签: windowsdrivercode-signingwdk


这是一个测试签名,您必须在您的机器上启用“测试签名”,使用 BCDEdit 运行您的驱动程序。

