首页 > 解决方案 > Android emulator is not able to trust Charles proxy certificate


I'm following this tutorial to monitor the https traffic on an Android version 7 emulator.

One thing I found strange is that the certificate I download from chls.pro/ssl is different from the certificate I encountered when visiting a website through Charles proxy.

Here's the certificate I got from chls.pro/ssl

enter image description here

This certificate can be viewed from Setting -> Security -> Trusted credentials -> USER tab.

And here's the certificate I found when visiting any websites though Charles proxy:

enter image description here

As you can see from the pictures, their fingerprints are different.

This makes my Android emulator not able to trust the certificate when visiting a website through Charles proxy.

enter image description here

Why are the certificates different?

How can I view the https traffic on the Android emulator?

I'm using the latest Charles proxy, which is version 4.5.6.

============================= Edit ==================================

The security warning is caused by the browser on the emulator.

I originally used "Browser" version 7.1.2 to visit a website.

enter image description here

After I replace it with Chrome, the security warning no longer appears. And I'm able to view the https traffic between Chrome and the website.

But I still can't view the https traffic between the Android app and the server.

Here's the error message:

enter image description here

And here's my network_security_config.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <!-- Trust user added CAs -->
            <certificates src="user" overridePins="true" />

============================= Edit ==================================

The apk file of the Android app is downloaded from google play.

Here's what I've done with the apk file

  1. Get the apk file with Apk Extractor.

  2. Use apktool d ${APK_FILE}.apk to extract the file.

  3. Modify its network_security_config.xml and AndroidManifest.xml

  4. Run apktool b ${APK_FILE} to restore the extracted files back to an apk file.

  5. Run apksigner sign -ks my-key.keystore ${APK_FILE}/dist/${APK_FILE}.apk to sign the apk file.

  6. Put the apk file to the Android emulator and install it.

I'm not sure if the above steps would cause the app not able to trust Charles certificate.

This is the original network_security_config.xml before I modify it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true" />
    <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="false">
        <domain includeSubdomains="true">appapi.appname.com</domain>

标签: androidsslssl-certificatecharles-proxyman-in-the-middle



显示的第一个证书是 Charles 的“证书颁发机构”(CA) 证书。它是自签名的(请注意“颁发者”详细信息与证书详细信息如何相同),并且不适用于特定域。

第二个证书是网站证书,由 Charles 的 CA 证书颁发并签名,其主题为单个特定域(未显示),可用于验证与该特定域的连接。

证书信任的工作方式是您信任一组 CA 证书,并且每当您收到要验证的证书时,您都会查看谁颁发了该证书,并根据您拥有的 CA 来查看您是否信任它们(在某些情况下)情况下,信任链中有几个步骤,因此您一直往上走,直到找到您信任的证书,或者您到达根目录并放弃)。

那有意义吗?在实践中,Charles 预先生成了一个您需要信任的 CA,然后它会根据需要为每个需要一个的单独域生成新证书并使用其 CA 对其进行签名,然后您应该信任这些证书,因为您信任 Charles。

如何在 Android 模拟器上查看 https 流量?


如果您不是特别喜欢 Charles,HTTP Toolkit作为替代方法可能会有所帮助。这是我一直在研究的一个开源工具,因为 Charles 像这样设置会很痛苦。它做的所有事情都是一样的,但是证书设置是完全自动化的,所以你不会遇到这个问题。
