首页 > 解决方案 > Node.js 项目:无法设置凉亭


我尝试设置一个名为“docdoku-web-front”的nodejs项目,但我在凉亭上有依赖问题。当我尝试使用命令安装我的项目时:npm run dev,我有这个错误:

Please note that,
datatables#1.9.4 depends on jquery#~1.8.0 which resolved to jquery#1.8.3
docdokuplm depends on jquery#1.9.1 which resolved to jquery#1.9.1
bootstrap-switch#1.7.0 depends on jquery#~1.9.0 which resolved to jquery#1.9.1
jqueryui#1.9.2 depends on jquery#>= 1.8 which resolved to jquery#1.9.1
selectize#0.12.6 depends on jquery#>=1.7.0 which resolved to jquery#1.9.1
bootstrap-datepicker#1.4.1 depends on jquery#>=1.7.1 which resolved to jquery#1.9.1
bootstrap#3.4.1 depends on jquery#1.9.1 - 3 which resolved to jquery#1.9.1
bootstrap#2.3.2 depends on jquery#>=1.8.0 <2.1.0 which resolved to jquery#1.9.1
jQuery-QueryBuilder#2.0.1 depends on jquery#>= 1.9.0 which resolved to jquery#1.9.1
jquery-extendext#0.1.2 depends on jquery#>=1.9.1 which resolved to jquery#1.9.1
Resort to using jquery#1.9.1 which resolved to jquery#1.9.1
Code incompatibilities may occur.

Please note that,
    docdokuplm depends on bootstrap#~2.3.2 which resolved to bootstrap#2.3.2
    bootstrap-datepicker#1.4.1 depends on bootstrap#>=2.0.4 <4.0 which resolved to bootstrap#3.4.1
    jQuery-QueryBuilder#2.0.1 depends on bootstrap#^3.1.0 which resolved to bootstrap#3.4.1
Resort to using bootstrap#~2.3.2 which resolved to bootstrap#2.3.2
Code incompatibilities may occur.

经过调查,我相信我必须更改 bower.json 上的版本,但我不知道如何。

这是我的 bower.json

  "name": "docdokuplm",
  "version": "1.1.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "async": "~0.9.0",
    "backbone": "~1.0.0",
    "bootbox": "~3.3.0",
    "bootstrap": "~2.3.2",
    "bootstrap-combobox": "~1.1.6",
    "bootstrap-datepicker": "~1.4.1",
    "bootstrap-switch": "#1.7.0",
    "buzz": "~1.1.4",
    "dat.gui": "*",
    "datatables": "1.9.4",
    "date.format": "~1.2.3",
    "fontawesome": "~4.7.0",
    "jquery": "#1.9.1",
    "jquery-maskedinput": "~1.3.1",
    "jQuery-QueryBuilder": "~2.0.1",
    "jqueryui": "1.9.2",
    "lodash": "~2.4.1",
    "modernizr": "~2.7.1",
    "moment": "~2.17.1",
    "moment-timezone": "~0.5.11",
    "mustache": "~0.8.2",
    "requirejs": "~2.1.10",
    "requirejs-i18n": "~2.0.4",
    "requirejs-text": "~2.0.10",
    "selectize": "~0.12.0",
    "threejs": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrdoob/three.js/r90/build/three.min.js",
    "tweenjs": "~16.6.0",
    "underscore": "~1.4.2",
    "unorm": "1.3.3",
    "nvd3": "^1.8.4",
    "jwt-decode": "^2.2.0",
    "oidc-client": "^1.4.1"
  "devDependencies": {},
  "resolutions": {
    "jquery": "1.9.1",
    "bootstrap": "~2.3.2"


标签: node.jsnpmbower


经过调查,我找到了解决方案。我的用户会话没有足够的权限,当我尝试手动安装 bower 时,我没有 /usr/bin/bower 的权限。我对 grunt 服务器也有同样的问题。我想我必须删除我的会话并重新启动设置。
