首页 > 解决方案 > 烧瓶中的 Http PUT 方法在断言中失败



我最近参加了很多实践活动。我一直在学习 Flask 编程并尝试在在线编程平台和挑战中找到的各种示例。我被困在一个解决方案中,其中我能够清除 7 个测试用例,而一个已经失败了很长时间。我无法在我编写的这个解决方案之外查看或设置我的想法。

有人可以帮助我破解这个 PUT http 测试用例吗?我附上了测试用例以及我的源代码。


from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restful import Resource, Api, abort

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

blogs = {}

class BlogsAPI(Resource):
    def get(self, blog_id=None):
      if blog_id is None:
            return blogs
      if blog_id not in blogs:
          abort(404,message="Blog_Id {} doesn't exist".format(blog_id))
      return blogs[blog_id]

def post(self, blog_id):
  if blog_id not in blogs:
        title = request.form['title']
        article_text = request.form['article_text']
        created_at = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
        blogs[blog_id] = {'title': title, 'article_text':article_text, 'created_at':created_at}
        return {blog_id: blogs[blog_id]}
  abort(404, message='Blog_Id {} already exists'.format(blog_id))

def put(self, blog_id):
  if blog_id not in blogs:
    abort(404,message="Blog_Id {} doesn't exist".format(blog_id))
  blogs[blog_id] = request.form['title']
  return {blog_id: blogs[blog_id]}

def delete(self, blog_id):
  if blog_id in blogs:
    response_string = 'Blog with Id {} is deleted'.format(blog_id)
    del blogs[blog_id]
    return response_string
  abort(404, message="Blog_Id {} doesn't exist".format(blog_id))

api.add_resource(BlogsAPI, '/blogs/',

if __name__ == '__main__':



from blogs_app import app
import unittest
from urllib import request
import datetime

class TestBlogsAPI(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.client = app.test_client()

    def test_blogs_api_case1(self):
        blog = {'title' : 'Python Application Programming',
                'article_text': 'This article talks about Python and illustrates how Python is used in application programming, with examples.',
        response = self.client.post('/blogs/1/', data=blog)
        self.assertIn(b'"title": "Python Application Programming"', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"article_text": "This article talks about Python and illustrates how Python is used in application programming, with examples."', response.data)
    def test_blogs_api_case2(self):
        blog = {'title' : 'Flask - A Micro Web Framework in Python',
                'article_text': 'This article talks about Flask framework. It can be used to build web apps in a quick time.',
        response = self.client.post('/blogs/2/', data=blog)
        self.assertIn(b'"title": "Flask - A Micro Web Framework in Python"', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"article_text": "This article talks about Flask framework. It can be used to build web apps in a quick time."', response.data)
    def test_blogs_api_case3(self):
        blog = {'title' : 'Flask-RESTful - Flask Extension for building REST APIs',
                'article_text': 'This article introduces you to Flask-RESTful, an extension used for building REST APIs in Flask.',
        response = self.client.post('/blogs/3/', data=blog)
        self.assertIn(b'"title": "Flask-RESTful - Flask Extension for building REST APIs"', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"article_text": "This article introduces you to Flask-RESTful, an extension used for building REST APIs in Flask."', response.data)
    def test_blogs_api_case4(self):
        response = self.client.get('/blogs/')
        self.assertIn(b'"title": "Python Application Programming"', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"article_text": "This article talks about Python and illustrates how Python is used in application programming, with examples."', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"title": "Flask - A Micro Web Framework in Python"', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"article_text": "This article talks about Flask framework. It can be used to build web apps in a quick time."', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"title": "Flask-RESTful - Flask Extension for building REST APIs"', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"article_text": "This article introduces you to Flask-RESTful, an extension used for building REST APIs in Flask."', response.data)
    def test_blogs_api_case5(self):
        response = self.client.get('/blogs/3/')
        self.assertNotIn(b'"title": "Python Application Programming"', response.data)
        self.assertNotIn(b'"article_text": "This article talks about Python and illustrates how Python is used in application programming, with examples."', response.data)
        self.assertNotIn(b'"title": "Flask - A Micro Web Framework in Python"', response.data)
        self.assertNotIn(b'"article_text": "This article talks about Flask framework. It can be used to build web apps in a quick time."', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"title": "Flask-RESTful - Flask Extension for building REST APIs"', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"article_text": "This article introduces you to Flask-RESTful, an extension used for building REST APIs in Flask."', response.data)
    def test_blogs_api_case5(self):
        response = self.client.delete('/blogs/3/')
        self.assertIn(b'Blog with Id 3 is deleted', response.data)
        response = self.client.get('/blogs/')
        self.assertIn(b'"title": "Python Application Programming"', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"article_text": "This article talks about Python and illustrates how Python is used in application programming, with examples."', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"title": "Flask - A Micro Web Framework in Python"', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"article_text": "This article talks about Flask framework. It can be used to build web apps in a quick time."', response.data)
        self.assertNotIn(b'"title": "Flask-RESTful - Flask Extension for building REST APIs"', response.data)
        self.assertNotIn(b'"article_text": "This article introduces you to Flask-RESTful, an extension used for building REST APIs in Flask."', response.data)
    def test_blogs_api_case6(self):
        response = self.client.delete('/blogs/6/')
        self.assertIn(b"Blog_Id 6 doesn't exist", response.data)
    def test_blogs_api_case7(self):
        blog = {'title' : 'PYTHON APPLICATION PROGRAMMING',
        response = self.client.put('/blogs/7/', data=blog)

        self.assertIn(b"Blog_Id 7 doesn't exist", response.data)
    def test_blogs_api_case8(self):
        blog = {'title' : 'PYTHON APPLICATION PROGRAMMING'}
        response = self.client.put('/blogs/1/', data=blog)
        self.assertIn(b'"title": "PYTHON APPLICATION PROGRAMMING"', response.data)
        self.assertIn(b'"article_text": "This article talks about Python and illustrates how Python is used in application programming, with examples."', response.data)

我在运行时收到以下错误消息,并且第 8 个测试用例失败:(

test_blogs_api_case1 (test_app.TestBlogsAPI) ... ok
test_blogs_api_case2 (test_app.TestBlogsAPI) ... ok
test_blogs_api_case3 (test_app.TestBlogsAPI) ... ok
test_blogs_api_case4 (test_app.TestBlogsAPI) ... ok
test_blogs_api_case5 (test_app.TestBlogsAPI) ... ok
test_blogs_api_case6 (test_app.TestBlogsAPI) ... ok
test_blogs_api_case7 (test_app.TestBlogsAPI) ... ok
test_blogs_api_case8 (test_app.TestBlogsAPI) ... FAIL

FAIL: test_blogs_api_case8 (test_app.TestBlogsAPI)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/projects/challenge/test_app.py", line 81, in test_blogs_api_case8
    self.assertIn(b'"article_text": "This article talks about Python and illustrates how Python is used in application programming, with examples."', response.data)
AssertionError: b'"article_text": "This article talks about Python and illustrates how Python is used in application programming, with examples."' not found in b'{"1": {"title": "PYTHON APPLICATION PROGRAMMING"}}\n'

Ran 8 tests in 0.022s

FAILED (failures=1)

标签: pythonpython-3.xlistrestflask


def put(self, blog_id):
  if blog_id not in blogs:
    abort(404,message="Blog_Id {} doesn't exist".format(blog_id))
  **blogs[blog_id]['title'] = request.form['title']**
  return {blog_id: blogs[blog_id]}

改变 put 方法
