首页 > 解决方案 > Flutter中LinearPercentIndicator的不同progressColor


我得到了 3 个不同的值;$finalD, $finalA, $finalS

因此,我得到了 3 个不同的 linearPercentIndicator ;

new Text(" $finalD "),
            width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - 50,
            animation: true,
            lineHeight: 25.0,
            animationDuration: 2500,
            percent: percentage,
            center: Text(message),
            linearStrokeCap: LinearStrokeCap.roundAll,
            progressColor: currentProgressColor(),

new Text(" $finalA "),
            width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - 50,
            animation: true,
            lineHeight: 25.0,
            animationDuration: 2500,
            percent: percentage1,
            center: Text(message1),
            linearStrokeCap: LinearStrokeCap.roundAll,
            progressColor: currentProgressColor(),

    new Text(" $finalS "),
                width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - 50,
                animation: true,
                lineHeight: 25.0,
                animationDuration: 2500,
                percent: percentage,
                center: Text(message),
                linearStrokeCap: LinearStrokeCap.roundAll,
                progressColor: currentProgressColor(),

            width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - 50,
            animation: true,
            lineHeight: 25.0,
            animationDuration: 2500,
            percent: percentage3,
            center: Text(message3),
            linearStrokeCap: LinearStrokeCap.roundAll,
            progressColor: currentProgressColor(),


//for $finalD
     if (finalD < 10) {
       return Colors.green;
     }else if(finalD < 14) {
       return Colors.yellow;
     }else if(finalD < 21){
       return Colors.orange;
     }else if(finalD < 28){
       return Colors.deepOrangeAccent;
       return Colors.red;

//for &finalA
     else if(finalA < 8){
       return Colors.green;
     }else if(finalA < 10) {
       return Colors.yellow;
     }else if(finalA < 15){
       return Colors.orange;
     }else if(finalA < 20){
       return Colors.deepOrangeAccent;
     }else if(finalA > 19){
       return Colors.red;

//for &finalS
     else if(finalS < 15){
       return Colors.green;
     }else if(finalS < 19) {
       return Colors.yellow;
     }else if(finalS < 26){
       return Colors.orange;
     }else if(finalS < 34){
       return Colors.deepOrangeAccent;
       return Colors.red;



标签: flutterdartindicator


您的方法 currentProgressColor() 的逻辑不会让您超出 else 语句之外的else{ return Colors.red; }所有内容都是死代码,这就是为什么 finalS 和 finalA 将具有与 finalD 相同的值。最好的解决方案是有不同的方法,因为当你想要返回一个基于什么 finalD/A/S 的值时很难用这种方式来判断(该方法不知道你想使用什么值)

//for $finalD
  if (finalD < 10) return Colors.green;
  else if(finalD < 14) return Colors.yellow;
  else if(finalD < 21) return Colors.orange;
  else if(finalD < 28) return Colors.deepOrangeAccent;
  return Colors.red; //no need of else because it will run this line at the end if the other conditions aren't true

//for $finalA
  if (finalA < 8) return Colors.green;
  else if(finalA < 10) return Colors.yellow;
  else if(finalA < 15) return Colors.orange;
  else if(finalA < 20) return Colors.deepOrangeAccent;
  return Colors.red; //no need of else because it will run this line at the end if the other conditions aren't true

//for $finalS
  if (finalS < 15) return Colors.green;
  else if(finalS < 19) return Colors.yellow;
  else if(finalS < 26) return Colors.orange;
  else if(finalS < 34) return Colors.deepOrangeAccent;
  return Colors.red; //no need of else because it will run this line at the end if the other conditions aren't true
