首页 > 解决方案 > ANTLR4 在访客不工作时调用下一步


我的语法已经完成,现在想实现功能。但我得到它不起作用,我不明白如何在 functionExpr 中评估应该调用哪个命令。作为我正在使用的测试表达式

  isSet(value, test) and isSet(value, foo)

目前我不知道如何评估单个 CommandIsSet 函数并在那里评估变量类型。为了解决这个问题,顺序应该是

  1. 访问程序
  2. visitAndExpr
  3. visitFunctionExpr (for first isSet(value, test)
  4. 访问命令集
  5. 访问变量参数
  6. 访问值类型
  7. visitFunctionExpr (对于第二个 isSet(value, foo)
  8. 访问命令集
  9. 访问变量参数
  10. 访问值类型

目前我停留在第 3 步,如何确定它是一个 commandIsSet 我需要使用 ctx.getText() 并检查它是否以 isSet 开头?

我已经从 SO 中的@BartKiers 找到了一个很好的答案, 那里我使用了值对象。


grammar FEL;

prog: expr+ EOF;
             statement                          #StatementExpr
             |NOT expr                          #NotExpr
             | expr AND expr                 #AndExpr
             | expr (OR | XOR) expr        #OrExpr
             | function                           #FunctionExpr
             | LPAREN expr RPAREN       #ParenExpr
             | writeCommand                 #WriteExpr

writeCommand: setCommand | setIfCommand;
statement: ID '=' getCommand  NEWLINE         #Assign;
setCommand: 'set' LPAREN variableType '|' parameter RPAREN SEMI;
setIfCommand: 'setIf' LPAREN variableType '|' expr '?' parameter ':' parameter RPAREN SEMI;

getCommand:         getFieldValue                   #FieldValue
                            | getInstanceAttribValue     #InstanceAttribValue
                            | getFormAttribValue          #FormAttributeValue
                            | getMandatorAttribValue   #MandatorAttributeValue

getFieldValue: 'getFieldValue' LPAREN instanceID=ID COMMA fieldname=ID RPAREN;
getInstanceAttribValue: 'getInstanceAttrib' LPAREN instanceId=ID COMMA moduleId=ID COMMA attribname=ID RPAREN;
getFormAttribValue: 'getFormAttrib' LPAREN formId=ID COMMA moduleId=ID COMMA attribname=ID RPAREN;
getMandatorAttribValue: 'getMandatorAttrib' LPAREN mandator=ID COMMA moduleId=ID COMMA attribname=ID RPAREN;

twoParameterList: parameter '|' parameter;
            variableType #VariableParameter
            | constType  #ConstParameter
                ID #ID_Without
                | '"'  ID '"' #ID_WITH
                    valueType                      #ValueTyp
                    |instanceType                #InstanceTyp
                    |formType                      #FormTyp
                    |bufferType                    #BufferTyp
                    |instanceAttribType       #InstanceAttribTyp
                    |formAttribType             #FormAttribTyp
                    |mandatorAttribType     #ManatorTyp
valueType:'value' COMMA parameter (COMMA functionParameter)?;
instanceType: 'instance' COMMA instanceParameter;
formType: 'form' COMMA formParameter;
bufferType: 'buffer' COMMA parameter;
instanceParameter: 'instanceId'
                                | 'instanceKey'
                                | 'firstpenId'
                                | 'lastpenId'
                                | 'lastUpdate'
                                | 'started'
formParameter: 'formId'
functionParameter: 'lastPen'
                                | 'fieldGroup'
                                | ' fieldType'
                                | 'fieldSource'
                                | 'updateId'
                                | 'sessionId'
                                | 'icrConfidence'
                                | 'icrRecognition'
                                |  'lastUpdate';

instanceAttribType:('instattrib' | 'instanceattrib') COMMA attributeType;
formAttribType:'formattrib' COMMA attributeType;
mandatorAttribType: 'mandatorattrib' COMMA attributeType;
attributeType:ID '#' ID;

                commandIsSet                                    #IsSet
                | commandIsEmpty                            #IsEmpty
                | commandIsEqual                               #IsEqual
                |commandIsNumLessEqual                  #IsLessEqual
                |commandIsNumLess                           #IsNumLess
                |commandIsNumGreaterEqual            #IsNumGreaterEqual
                |commandIsNumGreater                    #IsNumGreater
                |commandIsNumEqual                       #IsNumEqual
                |commandIsLess                               #IsLess
                |commandIsLessEqual                       #IsLessEqual
                |commandIsGreater                           #IsGreater
                |commandIsGreaterEqual                  #IsGreaterEqual
                |commandMatches                             #Matches
                |commandContains                            #Contains
                |commandEndsWith                            #EndsWith
                |commandStartsWith                          #StartsWith
commandIsSet: IS_SET LPAREN parameter RPAREN;
commandIsEmpty: IS_EMPTY LPAREN parameter RPAREN;
commandIsEqual: IS_EQUAL LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandStartsWith: 'startsWith' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandEndsWith: 'endsWith' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandContains: 'contains' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandMatches: 'maches' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandIsLess: 'isLess' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandIsLessEqual: 'isLessEqual' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandIsGreater: 'isGreater' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandIsGreaterEqual: 'isGreaterEqual' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandIsNumEqual: 'isNumEqual' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandIsNumGreater: 'isNumGreater' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandIsNumGreaterEqual: 'isNumGreaterEqual' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandIsNumLess: 'isNumLess' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;
commandIsNumLessEqual: 'isNumLessEqual' LPAREN twoParameterList RPAREN;

    |   a=cutStrFunction
    |   a=replaceStrFunction
    |   a=reformatDateStrFunction
    |   a=translateStrFunction
    |   a=fillStrFunction
    |   a=concatStrFunction
    |   a=justifyStrFunction
    |   a=ifElseStrFunction
    |   a=tokenStrFunction
    |   a=toLowerFunction
    |   a=toUpperFunction
    |   a=trimFunction

LPAREN : '(';
RPAREN : ')';
LBRACE : '{';
RBRACE : '}';
LBRACK : '[';
RBRACK : ']';
SEMI : ';';
COMMA : ',';
DOT : '.';
ASSIGN : '=';
GT : '>';
LT : '<';
BANG : '!';
TILDE : '~';
COLON : ':';
EQUAL : '==';
LE : '<=';
GE : '>=';
NOTEQUAL : '!=';
AND : 'and';
OR : 'or';
XOR :'xor';
NOT :'not'  ;
INC : '++';
DEC : '--';
ADD : '+';
SUB : '-';
MUL : '*';
DIV : '/';

INT: [0-9]+;
NEWLINE: '\r'? '\n';
WS: (' '|'\t' | '\n' | '\r' )+ -> skip;

:   JavaLetter JavaLetterOrDigit*

:   [a-zA-Z$_] // these are the "java letters" below 0xFF
|   // covers all characters above 0xFF which are not a surrogate
|   // covers UTF-16 surrogate pairs encodings for U+10000 to U+10FFFF
    [\uD800-\uDBFF] [\uDC00-\uDFFF]
    {Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(Character.toCodePoint((char)_input.LA(-2), (char)_input.LA(-1)))}?

:   [a-zA-Z0-9$_] // these are the "java letters or digits" below 0xFF
|   // covers all characters above 0xFF which are not a surrogate
|   // covers UTF-16 surrogate pairs encodings for U+10000 to U+10FFFF
    [\uD800-\uDBFF] [\uDC00-\uDFFF]
    {Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(Character.toCodePoint((char)_input.LA(-2), (char)_input.LA(-1)))}?
fragment DoubleQuote: '"' ;   // Hard to read otherwise.


public class FELCustomVisitor extends FELBaseVisitor<Value> {

// used to compare floating point numbers
public static final double SMALL_VALUE = 0.00000000001;

// store variables (there's only one global scope!)
private Map<String, Value> memory = new HashMap<String, Value>();

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String expression = "isSet(value, test) and isSet(value, foo)";
    FELLexer lexer = new FELLexer(new ANTLRInputStream(expression));
    FELParser parser = new FELParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
    ParseTree tree = parser.prog();
    Value answer = new FELCustomVisitor().visit(tree);
    System.out.printf("answer is %s", answer.asBoolean());

public Value visitProg(FELParser.ProgContext ctx) {
    System.out.println("called prog " + ctx.getText());
    return this.visitChildren(ctx);

public Value visitAndExpr(FELParser.AndExprContext ctx) {
    Value left = this.visit(ctx.expr(0));
    Value right = this.visit(ctx.expr(2));
    System.out.println("working on and expression: left == " + left.asBoolean() + " right is " + right.asBoolean());
    return new Value(left.asBoolean() && right.asBoolean());

public Value visitFunctionExpr(FELParser.FunctionExprContext ctx) {
    System.out.println("called function expresssion " + ctx.getText());
    FELParser.FunctionContext function = ctx.function();

    return null;

public Value visitCommandIsSet(FELParser.CommandIsSetContext ctx) {
    //here I need to extract the inner variable type with this i can evaluate the return value

    return super.visitCommandIsSet(ctx);

public Value visitVariableParameter(FELParser.VariableParameterContext ctx) {
    return super.visitVariableParameter(ctx);
public Value visitValueTyp(FELParser.ValueTypContext ctx) {
    return super.visitValueTyp(ctx);

标签: javaantlr4



public Value visitAndExpr(FELParser.AndExprContext ctx) {
    Value left = this.visit(ctx.expr(0));
    Value right = this.visit(ctx.expr(2));
    System.out.println("working on and expression: left == " + left.asBoolean() + " right is " + right.asBoolean());
    return new Value(left.asBoolean() && right.asBoolean());

有 2 个子节点的索引为 0 和 1。

你让你的访问者有点太复杂了。从您想要评估的最简单的表达式开始,例如isSet(value, test),然后从树的底部到它的根,并实现这些visit...()方法。在这种情况下isSet(value, test),将是规则:

public Value visitID_Without(FELParser.ID_WithoutContext ctx) {
    // ID #ID_Without

public Value visitCommandIsSet(FELParser.CommandIsSetContext ctx) {
    // commandIsSet: IS_SET LPAREN parameter RPAREN;

public Value visitProg(FELParser.ProgContext ctx) {
    // expr+ EOF

当它起作用时,将and表达式添加到它以支持isSet(value, test) and isSet(value, foo)

public Value visitID_Without(FELParser.ID_WithoutContext ctx) {
    // ID #ID_Without

public Value visitCommandIsSet(FELParser.CommandIsSetContext ctx) {
    // commandIsSet: IS_SET LPAREN parameter RPAREN;

public Value visitAndExpr(FELParser.AndExprContext ctx) {
    // expr AND expr

public Value visitProg(FELParser.ProgContext ctx) {
    // expr+ EOF



public class FELCustomVisitor extends FELBaseVisitor<Value> {

    private final Map<String, Value> memory;

    public FELCustomVisitor(Map<String, Value> memory) {
        this.memory = memory;

    public Value visitID_Without(FELParser.ID_WithoutContext ctx) {
        // ID #ID_Without
        return this.memory.getOrDefault(ctx.ID().getText(), Value.NULL);

    public Value visitCommandIsSet(FELParser.CommandIsSetContext ctx) {
        // commandIsSet: IS_SET LPAREN parameter RPAREN;
        Value param = this.visit(ctx.parameter());
        return param == Value.NULL ? Value.FALSE : Value.TRUE;

    public Value visitAndExpr(FELParser.AndExprContext ctx) {
        // expr AND expr
        Value lhs = this.visit(ctx.expr(0));
        Value rhs = this.visit(ctx.expr(1));
        return lhs.asBoolean() && rhs.asBoolean() ? Value.TRUE : Value.FALSE;

    public Value visitProg(FELParser.ProgContext ctx) {
        // expr+ EOF
        Value result = Value.NULL;
        for (FELParser.ExprContext expr : ctx.expr()) {
            result = this.visit(expr);
        return result;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] expressions = {
                "isSet(value, test)",
                "isSet(value, foo)",
                "isSet(value, fooooooo)",
                "isSet(value, test) and isSet(value, foo)",
                "isSet(value, nope) and isSet(value, test) and isSet(value, foo)"

        for (String expression  : expressions) {
            FELLexer lexer = new FELLexer(CharStreams.fromString(expression));
            FELParser parser = new FELParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
            ParseTree tree = parser.prog();
            Map<String, Value> memory = new HashMap<>();
            memory.put("test", new Value(42));
            memory.put("foo", new Value("bar"));
            Value answer = new FELCustomVisitor(memory).visit(tree);
            System.out.printf("%s = %s%n", expression, answer);

class Value {

    public static final Value TRUE = new Value(true);
    public static final Value FALSE = new Value(false);
    public static final Value NULL = new Value(null);

    private final Object value;

    public Value(Object value) {
        this.value = value;

    public Boolean asBoolean() {
        return (Boolean) this.value;

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("Value{type: %s, value: %s}",
                this.value == null ? "null" : this.value.getClass().getSimpleName(), this.value);


isSet(value, test) = Value{type: Boolean, value: true}
isSet(value, foo) = Value{type: Boolean, value: true}
isSet(value, fooooooo) = Value{type: Boolean, value: false}
isSet(value, test) and isSet(value, foo) = Value{type: Boolean, value: true}
isSet(value, nope) and isSet(value, test) and isSet(value, foo) = Value{type: Boolean, value: false}



您不需要覆盖该方法。假设您要实现isSet(instance, instanceId),那么您所要做的就是覆盖visitInstanceType(...)访问者。每当this.visit(ctx.parameter());调用代码中的某个位置时,它都会自动确保parameter调用 的子级。


public Value visitInstanceType(FELParser.InstanceTypeContext ctx) {
    // 'instance' COMMA instanceParameter
    Value value = new Value(String.format("TODO: instance, `%s`", ctx.instanceParameter().getText()));
    System.out.println("We're in visitInstanceType(...), returning: " + value);
    return value;

现在在评估时"isSet(instance, instanceId)",您将看到上述方法被正确调用。
