首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么我告诉我的 Kivy 程序不更新字体大小?


我正在选择你自己的冒险游戏,但有时我需要更改字体大小,而 Kivy 并没有给我预期的结果。这是完整的代码,所以请随意运行它,看看我的意思。这是python文件:

# A Choose your own adventure game
import kivy

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.lang import Builder

global root
root = BoxLayout() #If I don't define root immediately the program won't work
                   #root is given a proper definition in class Main()

#Easily add new pages to the program
def add_page(pagenum):

#The main window that encapsulates all other widgets
class RootBoxLayout(BoxLayout): 
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(RootBoxLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs)

# The Menu that drives the game
class Menu(BoxLayout):  
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Menu, self).__init__(**kwargs)

# The Main Menu
class StartMenu(Menu):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Menu, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        #Text Box
        self.ids.textbox.text = "Opening Screen"
        # Button 1
        self.ids.button1.text = "Play"
        self.ids.button1.bind(on_press = self.nextpage1)
    def nextpage1(self, *args):
class HappyBee(Menu):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Menu, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        ### This is where the problem seems to be ###
        self.ids.textbox.font_size = self.ids.textbox.height/10             #Kivy says nah I don't feel like doing this
        self.ids.textbox.text = "This is a very large block of text that I would like " \
        "to decrease the font size of.  Pressing the button below changes it but I don't " \
        "want users to have to press a button just to get the game to function " \
        "how it should function from the start."
        # Button 1
        self.ids.button1.text = "y tho"
        self.ids.button1.bind(on_press = self.nextpage1)
    # What to do when each button is pressed
    def nextpage1(self, *args):
        self.ids.textbox.font_size = self.ids.textbox.height/10             # Kivy says ok I can change it now lol

# An App class that will be used to umbrella everything else in the application
class Main(App):
    def build(self):
        global root # Other classes and functions need to easily access root
        root = RootBoxLayout()
        first_screen = StartMenu()
        add_page(first_screen) # Add the Main Menu to the root window
        return root

if __name__ == '__main__':


    orientation: 'vertical'
    # Create the background color of the root layout
            rgba: 0,0,0,1 # black
            pos: self.pos
            size: self.size

# This custom button allows to font size to change dynamically with the window
    font_size: self.height/3
    halign: 'center'
    valign: 'center'
    text_size: self.size
    size_hint_y: 0.14

        orientation: 'vertical'
            id: textbox
            font_size: self.height/6
            text_size: self.size # Allows text to wrap
            halign: 'center'
            valign: 'center'
            size_hint_y: 0.6

            id: button1
            text: 'Play'

标签: pythonpython-3.xuser-interfacekivykivy-language


只有从font_size. _ _ 似乎它在运行后获得了价值,这会产生问题。还有其他问题:(and ) in不是预期的大小。可能它在运行后计算它。__init__font_size.kv.kv__init__heightwidth__init__100__init__

我在 Reddit 上找到的互联网搜索: 如何使用 init 获取屏幕 ID?


def __init__(self, **kwargs):

def _do_setup(self, *l):
    self.ids.something = '....'


from kivy.clock import Clock  # <---

class HappyBee(Menu):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Menu, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ids.textbox.text = "This is a very large block of text that I would like " \
        "to decrease the font size of.  Pressing the button below changes it but I don't " \
        "want users to have to press a button just to get the game to function " \
        "how it should function from the start."
        self.ids.button1.text = "y tho"
        self.ids.button1.bind(on_press = self.nextpage1)

        Clock.schedule_once(self.on_init_complete)  # <---
    def on_init_complete(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.ids.textbox.font_size = self.ids.textbox.height/10  # <---

它可以工作,但有一个小问题 - 它以原始大小显示文本几毫秒。但如果你不知道这一点,那么你可能不会注意到这一点。

编辑:类似的问题:How to Load Kivy IDs Before Class Method is Initialized (Python with Kivy)
