首页 > 解决方案 > 内部 Rust 结构可以传递对其所有者的引用吗?


从副本中,@Shepmaster 在此答案中记录了一组真正出色的解决此问题的模式。谢谢你

AccountBank调用方法时需要访问的字段。Bankdeposit()调用set()帐户,但set()需要了解有关银行的信息,因此必须将银行传递到Account::set. 我确信有其他方法可以解决这个问题,这在 Rust 中更有意义。我很难找到更好的替代模式来替代我会用其他语言做的事情。

这是一个来自Twitch 流的最小示例,我尝试在 Rust 中创建一个简单的流行病学模型——如果我理解了,我将在下一个中给出答案。

fn main() {
    // create a bank and fill with accounts:
    let mut bank = Bank { accounts: vec![] };
    for i in 0..100 {
        bank.accounts.push(Account {
            id: i,
            balance: 0,
            mean_deviation: 0,

    // set the balance of an account
    bank.deposit(42, 10000);

// BANK:
struct Bank {
    accounts: Vec<Account>,

impl Bank {
    pub fn deposit(&mut self, id: usize, balance: i32) {
        let account = self.accounts.get_mut(id).unwrap();

        // this fails, because account needs access to information from the bank struct,
        // and we cannot borrow bank as mutable twice, or immutable when already mutable:
        account.set(balance, self);

struct Account {
    id: i32,
    balance: i32,
    mean_deviation: i32,

impl Account {
    pub fn set(&mut self, balance: i32, bank: &Bank) {
        self.balance = balance;

        /* use bank to calculate how far from the mean account value this account is */
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `*self` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
  --> src/main.rs:27:30
23 |         let account = self.accounts.get_mut(id).unwrap();
   |                       ------------- mutable borrow occurs here
27 |         account.set(balance, self);
   |                 ---          ^^^^ immutable borrow occurs here
   |                 |
   |                 mutable borrow later used by call

标签: rust



这是另一种思考方式:通过使用Cell包装帐户余额的 a ,您可以根据需要读取/写入新值。

use std::cell::Cell;
fn main() {
    // create a bank and fill with accounts:
    let mut bank = Bank { accounts: vec![] };
    for i in 0..100 {
        bank.accounts.push(Account {
            id: i,
            balance: Cell::new(0),
            mean_deviation: Cell::new(0),

    // set the balance of an account
    bank.deposit(42, 10000);

// BANK:
struct Bank {
    accounts: Vec<Account>,

impl Bank {
    pub fn deposit(&self, id: usize, balance: i32) {
        let account = self.accounts.get(id).unwrap();
        account.set(balance, &self);

struct Account {
    id: i32,
    balance: Cell<i32>,
    mean_deviation: Cell<i32>,

impl Account {
    pub fn set(&self, balance: i32, bank: &Bank) {
        let old_balance = self.balance.get();
        self.balance.set(old_balance + balance);
        /* use bank to calculate how far from the mean account value this account is */
        let _ = bank.accounts.len();

