首页 > 解决方案 > 垃圾收集器在 WeakReference 中删除(收集)对象的优先级是多少?


我是 C# 新手,我正在学习垃圾收集器,我正在学习弱参考课程

这里是在 msdn 中使用弱引用的示例

这个例子 :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        // Create the cache.
        int cacheSize = 50;
        Random r = new Random();
        Cache c = new Cache(cacheSize);

    string DataName = "";

    // Randomly access objects in the cache.
    for (int i = 0; i < c.Count; i++) {
        int index = r.Next(c.Count);

        // Access the object by getting a property value.
        DataName = c[index].Name;
    // Show results.
    double regenPercent = c.RegenerationCount/(double)c.Count;
    Console.WriteLine("Cache size: {0}, Regenerated: {1:P2}%", c.Count, 

public class Cache
// Dictionary to contain the cache.
static Dictionary<int, WeakReference> _cache;

// Track the number of times an object is regenerated.
int regenCount = 0;

public Cache(int count)
    _cache = new Dictionary<int, WeakReference>();

    // Add objects with a short weak reference to the cache.
   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        _cache.Add(i, new WeakReference(new Data(i), false));

// Number of items in the cache.
public int Count
    get {  return _cache.Count; }

// Number of times an object needs to be regenerated.
public int RegenerationCount
    get { return regenCount; }

// Retrieve a data object from the cache.
public Data this[int index]
    get {
        Data d = _cache[index].Target as Data;
        if (d == null) {
            // If the object was reclaimed, generate a new one.
            Console.WriteLine("Regenerate object at {0}: Yes", index);
            d = new Data(index);
            _cache[index].Target = d;
        else {
            // Object was obtained with the weak reference.
            Console.WriteLine("Regenerate object at {0}: No", index);

        return d;

// This class creates byte arrays to simulate data.
public class Data
private byte[] _data;
private string _name;

public Data(int size)
    _data = new byte[size * 1024];
    _name = size.ToString();

// Simple property.
public string Name
    get { return _name; }
 // Example of the last lines of the output:
 // ...
 // Regenerate object at 36: Yes
 // Regenerate object at 8: Yes
 // Regenerate object at 21: Yes
  // Regenerate object at 4: Yes
 // Regenerate object at 38: No
  // Regenerate object at 7: Yes
 // Regenerate object at 2: Yes
 // Regenerate object at 43: Yes
  // Regenerate object at 38: No
  // Cache size: 50, Regenerated: 94%

垃圾收集器在 WeakReference 中删除(收集)对象的优先级是多少?

为什么 GC 在缓存中选择这个对象来删除 94% 并保留 6%

标签: c#.netgarbage-collectionclr


WeakReferences 允许对引用对象进行垃圾收集。垃圾收集器将收集它正在收集的一代中的所有可收集对象。

我的猜测是,当调用发生时,某些对象已被提升为 gen 1/2 GC.Collect(0)。如果你用我替换它,GC.Collect(2)我希望没有任何对象活着。

WeakReference 通常不是缓存的好主意。我避免它,并在我想缓存某些东西时使用强引用。通常结合某种方式来估计内存使用量才能设置内存上限。现在内存通常很充足,因此减少内存使用的重要性有限。

还有内存池的相关概念,这可以用于在使用大内存缓冲区时减少第 2 代 GC。



    static void Main(string[] args)
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            var cache = new Cache(50);
            Console.Write("Objects alive Before: " + cache.CountObjectsAlive());
            GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced);
            Console.WriteLine("\tAfter : " + cache.CountObjectsAlive());

public class Cache
    // Dictionary to contain the cache.
    Dictionary<int, WeakReference> _cache = new Dictionary<int, WeakReference>();

    public Cache(int count)
        // Add objects with a short weak reference to the cache.
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            _cache.Add(i, new WeakReference(new byte[i * 1024], false));
    public int CountObjectsAlive() => _cache.Values.Count(v => v.Target != null);

这始终在 GC 之前使 50 个对象处于活动状态,在 GC 之后使 0 个对象处于活动状态。TryStartNoGCRegion请注意在创建对象时防止 GC 运行的用法。如果我更改程序以确保某些对象被提升到 gen 1/2 并且只收集 gen 0,我会得到一些幸存的对象。

所以我想说我的观点仍然成立。GC 将收集它收集的一代中的所有对象。除非你有一些特定的用例,否则你可能最好不要弄乱 WeakReferences。
