首页 > 解决方案 > SDK:iOS静态库实现


我目前正在开发将所有网络与我的后端封装在一起的 SDK。我尝试根据 UML 创建一个类:在此处输入图像描述


public class MIDNetwork {

/// Class sigleton instance
static public let sharedManager:MIDNetwork = MIDNetwork()


func handleRequest() {
    self.request = MIDNetwork.sharedManager.


    public class MIDNetwork {
    /// Class sigleton instance
    public static let sharedManager:MIDNetwork = MIDNetwork()
    /// A network session
    private var networkSession:URLSession = URLSession(configuration: .default)
    ///baseUrl is represented as an API endpoint
    private static var baseUrl:URL = URL(string: "")!
    // TODO: - Somehow figure out a client url
    private var clientUrl:URL {
        return self.clientUrl
    func createRootIdentity(requestDataMode:MIDCreateRootIdentityRequest, handler: @escaping (APIResult<MIDIdentity>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask? { }

    func createDerivedIdentity(requestDataMode:MIDCreateDerivedIdentityRequest, handler: @escaping (APIResult<MIDDerivedIdentity>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask? { }
    func faceCheck(requestDataMode:MIDFaceCheckRequest, handler: @escaping (APIResult<MIDFaceCheckResult>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask? { }
    func getIdentityAdditionalInfo(derivedIdentityID:String, handler: @escaping (APIResult<MIDDerivedIdentityAdditionalInfo>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask? { }

我尝试用 public 标记方法,但之后出现错误:

方法不能声明为 public,因为它的参数使用了内部类型


标签: iosswiftclasssdkencapsulation


You have to declare your public methods, if you get the error

Method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type

it means that one of your parameters is not public

For example for the function:

func createRootIdentity(requestDataMode:MIDCreateRootIdentityRequest, handler: @escaping (APIResult<MIDIdentity>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask? { }

Are MIDCreateRootIdentityRequest, APIResult, MIDIdentity declared publics?

The function is dependent on the parameters so either everything is declared public or you cannot use it
