首页 > 解决方案 > How to avoid warning for signed electron app for Windows?


I have designed an electron app. I sign it on CI with certificate from www.digicert.com. But when users try to install it, they get a warning "Windows protected your PC. Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk." (see the dialog with the error message).

I also tried to to create the app without signing it and the only difference between signed and unsigned apps is the name of the company in the warning (with or without the name).

How can I fix this behavior to prevent this warning from being shown to the user? Maybe using another certificate?

Could you, please give me a recipe on how to sign electron apps for Windows?

标签: windowselectroncertificatesigning



但是,如果软件已使用常规代码签名证书进行签名,而作者或发布者尚未建立信任声誉,则会出现警告。(只有作为 Windows 根证书计划成员的 CA 颁发的 Authenticode 证书才能建立声誉。)随着软件或其发布者获得更好的声誉,警告的可能性会降低。未签名软件的信誉基于指纹,而基于签名软件的信誉基于关联的代码签名证书和颁发代码签名证书的 CA 的信誉。

这是您作为应用程序无法控制的事情,因为 smartscreen 将基于reputation.
