首页 > 解决方案 > 批处理脚本 - 否则无法正常工作


@echo on

::findstr /C:"Not connected" /C:"Invalid command" /C:"530 Login incorrect" D:\PATH1\Log_output1.txt

findstr /C:"Not connected" /C:"Invalid command" /C:"530 Login incorrect" D:\PATH1\Log_output2.txt

set /a _retVal=%errorlevel%

if %_retVal%==0 (
    goto Error
) else if %_retVal%==1 (
    goto NoError
) else (
    echo Do Nothing!
rem *********************************

echo Error is not present

echo Error is present

命令行输出: 案例 1 - 这工作正常。在Log_output1.txt文件中,存在错误。


D:\PATH1\scripts\ppt>findstr /C:"Not connected" /C:"Invalid command" /C:"530 Login incorrect" D:\PATH1\Log_output1.txt
Invalid command.
Invalid command.
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.

D:\PATH1\scripts\ppt>set /a _retVal=0

D:\PATH1\scripts\ppt>if 0 == 0 (goto Error )  else if 0 == 1 (goto NoError )  else (echo Do Nothing! )

D:\PATH1\scripts\ppt>echo Error is present

Error is present


案例 2 - 这是行不通的。其中Log_output2.txt文件不包含任何错误 ** if 和 else 条件都被打印出来**


D:\PATH1\scripts\ppt>findstr /C:"Not connected" /C:"Invalid command" /C:"530 Login incorrect" D:\PATH1\Log_output2.txt

D:\PATH1\scripts\ppt>set /a _retVal=1

D:\PATH1\scripts\ppt>if 1 == 0 (goto Error )  else if 1 == 1 (goto NoError )  else (echo Do Nothing! )

D:\PATH1\scripts\ppt>echo Error is not present

Error is not present

D:\PATH1\scripts\ppt>echo Error is present

Error is present


标签: batch-fileif-statement



@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions

%__AppDir__%findstr.exe /I ^
 /C:"Not connected" ^
 /C:"Invalid command" ^
 /C:"530 Login incorrect" ^
 "D:\PATH1\Log_output#.txt" >NUL 2>&1

If %ErrorLevel% Equ 0 GoTo :Error
Echo Error is not present
Rem Your other commands if no error match was found go here.
GoTo Continue

Echo Error is present
Rem Your other commands if an error match was found go here.

Rem Any other commands to run in both scenarios below here.


@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions

%__AppDir__%findstr.exe /I ^
 /C:"Not connected" ^
 /C:"Invalid command" ^
 /C:"530 Login incorrect" ^
 "D:\PATH1\Log_output#.txt" >NUL 2>&1

If %ErrorLevel% Equ 0 (
    Call :Error
) Else If %ErrorLevel% Equ 1 Call :NoError

Rem Any other commands to run in both scenarios below here.

Rem Any other commands to run in both scenarios above here.

Echo Error is present
Rem Your other commands if an error match was found go here.
Exit /B

Echo Error is not present
Rem Your other commands if no error match was found go here.
Exit /B


@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions

%__AppDir__%findstr.exe /I ^
 /C:"Not connected" ^
 /C:"Invalid command" ^
 /C:"530 Login incorrect" ^
 "D:\PATH1\Log_output#.txt" >NUL 2>&1

If %ErrorLevel% Equ 1 (
    Echo Error is not present
    Rem Your other commands if no error match was found go here.
) Else (
    Echo Error is present
    Rem Your other commands if an error match was found go here.
Rem Any other commands to run in both scenarios below here.


@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions

%__AppDir__%findstr.exe /I ^
 /C:"Not connected" ^
 /C:"Invalid command" ^
 /C:"530 Login incorrect" ^
 "D:\PATH1\Log_output#.txt" >NUL 2>&1 && (
    Echo Error is present
    Rem Your other commands if an error match was found go here.
) || (
    Echo Error is not present
    Rem Your other commands if no error match was found go here.
Rem Any other commands to run in both scenarios below here.
