首页 > 解决方案 > Python - 我一直在尝试增加半年加薪(来自 MIT 6.0001 的 PSet_1b),但结果是一样的


PSet_1a - 基线

这会提示用户他们梦想中的房子的成本,他们的工资,他们愿意节省的月工资部分,并返回他们需要首付的月数(成本的 25%他们梦想中的房子)

total_cost = float(input('How much is the dream house? ')) 
portion_down_payment = 0.25
current_savings = 0
r = 0.04
annual_salary = float(input('What is your salary? '))
portion_saved = float(input('What is the amount saved per month? '))
monthly_salary = annual_salary / 12.0

amount_down_payment = total_cost * portion_down_payment
portion_amount = monthly_salary * portion_saved
months = 0

while current_savings <= amount_down_payment:
    current_savings += portion_amount + (current_savings * (r / 12))
    months += 1
    print(current_savings, months)

PSet_1b - 调整为半年加薪


total_cost = float(input('How much is the dream house? '))
portion_down_payment = 0.25
current_savings = 0
r = 0.04

annual_salary = float(input('What is your salary? ')) 
portion_saved = float(input('What is the amount saved per month? '))
semi_annual_rate = float(input('What is the rate of your semi-annual_raise? '))
monthly_salary = annual_salary / 12.0
semi_annual_raise = monthly_salary * semi_annual_rate

amount_down_payment = total_cost * portion_down_payment
portion_amount = monthly_salary * portion_saved

months = 0

while current_savings <= amount_down_payment:
    months += 1
    if months % 6 == 0:
        annual_salary += semi_annual_raise
    current_savings += portion_amount + (current_savings * (r / 12))
    print(current_savings, months)


标签: pythonif-statement


答案是通过 if 语句每 6 个月更新一次part_amount,而不是在 yearn_salary 上通过 semi_annual_raise。

