首页 > 解决方案 > How to supply value to an annotation dynamically?


I have created a cutom annotation with a boolean value attribute.

public @interface CustomAnnotation {
    boolean value() default false;

The annotation should be set dynamically based on property read from a configuration file.

I've tried to inject the value directly from the configuration:

public void apply(){}


@CustomAnnotation(""#{new Boolean('${xxxxx.xxxxx.enableFeature:false}")
public void apply(){}

I'm getting the same compilation problem for both solutions:

Type mismatch: cannot convert from String to boolean

I've tried a third solution by injecting the value as variable and then using it:

public class ApplyClass {

private boolean enableFeature;

public void apply(){}


I've got another compilation issue:

The value for annotation attribute must be a constant expression

Even by switching the variable to constant, this is not working.

public class ApplyClass {

private static final boolean enableFeature; // ---> Leads to compilation problem 

public void apply(){}


So, a part from doing code smells like:

public class ApplyClass {

private  boolean enableFeature; 

private static final ENABLE_FEATURE_CONSTANT = enableFeature

public void apply(){}

  1. Is that a known limitation of annotations ?
  2. Is there any recommendation or solution a part from using Strings instead of other types ?

标签: javaspring-bootannotations

