首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在不使用 KeyboardInterrupt 的情况下从按键退出 while 循环?[Python]


我正在制作一个每隔 x 秒发出哔声的计时器,但在某个按键期间计时器会重新启动。代码的第一部分让计时器启动。然后它进入计时器的while循环。我想在不按键盘中断而是按另一个键的情况下中断循环。


import time, winsound, keyboard
x = 0
while x == 0:
    if keyboard.is_pressed(','):
        x = x+1
while True:
        while x==1:
            for i in range(29):
                if i == 28:
    except KeyboardInterrupt: 

标签: pythonkeyboard



我不需要为此程序导入任何模块,但我相信我用来控制键盘输入的msvcrt模块是特定于 Windows 的。是因为它可能; 尽管我们使用不同的方法来控制键盘输入,但我希望您能看到在主程序反复循环和处理键盘输入时如何通过按键来控制秒表。

import time     # Contains the time.time() method.
import winsound # Handle sounds.
import msvcrt   # Has Terminal Window Input methods 
# ===========================================
# -------------------------------------------
# --              Kbfunc()                 --
# Returns ascii values for those keys that
# have values, or zero if not.
def kbfunc():
    return ord(msvcrt.getch()) if msvcrt.kbhit() else 0
# -------------------------------------------
# --           Get_Duration()              --
# Gets the time duration for the stopwatch.
def get_duration():
    value = input("\n How long do you want the timer to run? ")
        value = float(value)
        print("\n\t** Fatal Error: **\n Float or Integer Value Expected.\n")
    return value
# ===========================================
#                   Body    
# ===========================================
# To keep the program as simple as possible, we will only use
# standard ascii characters. All special keys and non-printable
# keys will be ignored. The one exception will be the
# carriage return key, chr(13).
# Because we are not trapping special keys such as the
# function keys, many will produce output that looks like
# standard ascii characters. (The [F1] key, for example,
# shares a base character code with the simicolon.)

valid_keys = [] # Declare our valid key list.
for char in range(32,127):  # Create a list of acceptable characters that
    valid_keys.append(char) # the user can type on the keyboard.
valid_keys.append(13)       # Include the carriage return.

# ------------------------------------------
duration = 0
duration = get_duration()

print(" Stopwatch will beep every",duration,"seconds.")
print(" Press [!] to turn Stopwatch OFF.")
print(" Press [,] to turn Stopwatch ON.")
print(" Press [@] to quit program.")
print("\n Type Something:")
print("\n >> ",end="",flush = True)

run_cycle = True # Run the program until user says quit.
stopwatch = True # Turn the stopwatch ON.
T0 = time.time() # Get the time the stopwatch started running.

while run_cycle == True:
    # ------
    if stopwatch == True and time.time()-T0 > duration: # When the duration
        winsound.Beep(700,300)  # is over, sound the beep and then
        T0 = time.time()          # reset the timer.
    # -----
    key = kbfunc()
    if key == 0:continue # If no key was pressed, go back to start of loop.    
    if key in valid_keys: # If the user's key press is in our list..
        if key == ord(","): # A comma means to restart the timer.
            duration = get_duration()         # Comment line to use old duration.
            print(" >> ",end="",flush = True) # Comment line to use old duration.
            t0 = time.time()
            stopwatch = True
            continue # Remove if you want the ',' char to be printed.
        elif key == ord("!"): # An exclamation mark means to stop the timer.")
            stopwatch = False
            continue # Remove if you want the "!" to print.
        elif key == ord("@"):  # An At sign means to quit the program.
             print("\n\n Program Ended at User's Request.\n ",end="")
             run_cycle = False # This will cause our main loop to exit.
             continue # Loop back to beginning so that the at sign
                      # is not printed after user said to quit.
        elif key == 13: # The carriage return means to drop down to a new line.
            print("\n >> ",end="",flush = True)
        print(chr(key),end="",flush = True) # Print the (valid) character. 
        # Keys that are not in our list are simply ignored.
