首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在一个 64 位整数中存储和使用两个 32 位带符号整数?



这个问题是 store and use,这意味着我可以做到这一点

int64_t score = make_score(-15, 15);
score += make_score(-5, 5); //I can use (add, subtract) the score
int32_t a = get_a(score);
assert(a == -20); //-15 -5 = -20
int32_t b = get_b(score);
assert(b == 20);//15 + 5= 20

这对于一个 32 位 int 中的两个 16 位 int 是可以实现的(Stockfish 做到了这一点):

/// Score enum stores a middlegame and an endgame value in a single integer (enum).
/// The least significant 16 bits are used to store the middlegame value and the
/// upper 16 bits are used to store the endgame value. We have to take care to
/// avoid left-shifting a signed int to avoid undefined behavior.
enum Score : int { SCORE_ZERO };

constexpr Score make_score(int mg, int eg) {
  return Score((int)((unsigned int)eg << 16) + mg);

/// Extracting the signed lower and upper 16 bits is not so trivial because
/// according to the standard a simple cast to short is implementation defined
/// and so is a right shift of a signed integer.
inline Value eg_value(Score s) {
  union { uint16_t u; int16_t s; } eg = { uint16_t(unsigned(s + 0x8000) >> 16) };
  return Value(eg.s);

inline Value mg_value(Score s) {
  union { uint16_t u; int16_t s; } mg = { uint16_t(unsigned(s)) };
  return Value(mg.s);

我正在尝试升级mgegint16_t到,int32_t但我不知道该怎么做,当 ScoreA + ScoreB 破坏分数时,我总是遇到eg麻烦mg


enum Score : int64_t { SCORE_ZERO };

constexpr Score make_score(int mg, int eg) {
  return Score((int)((uint64_t)eg << 32) + mg);

inline Value eg_value(Score s) {
  union { uint32_t u; int32_t s; } eg = { uint32_t(unsigned(s + 0x80000000) >> 32) };
  return Value(eg.s);

inline Value mg_value(Score s) {
  union { uint32_t u; int32_t s; } mg = { uint32_t(unsigned(s)) };
  return Value(mg.s);

标签: c++data-structuresintbit-manipulation




enum Score : int64_t { SCORE_ZERO };

enum Value : int32_t { FORTYTWO };

inline Score make_score(int32_t mg, int32_t eg) {
    int64_t combined;
    std::memcpy(&combined, &eg, 4);
    std::memcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&combined) + 4, &mg, 4);
    return Score(combined);

inline Value eg_value(Score s) {
    int32_t eg;
    std::memcpy(&eg, &s, 4);
    return Value(eg);

inline Value mg_value(Score s) {
    int32_t mg;
    std::memcpy(&mg, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&s) + 4, 4);
    return Value(mg);

