首页 > 解决方案 > 过滤 D3 网络图的 JSON 数据


我正在使用 JSON 数据在 D3 中构建网络图,并根据用户输入动态构建节点和链接。例如:有一个下拉菜单(由 JSON 填充),用户可以为“美学”选择一个域图(查看所有关于美学的文章),然后为“生物学”选择一个域图(查看所有关于生物学)等。但是我一直遇到一个我一生都无法解决的特定问题:每当我重新运行图表(比如重新选择“美学”)时,我都会丢失链接上的所有信息。我确切地知道代码中发生这种情况的位置,但我不明白为什么。而且我想知道我是否没有正确提取 JSON 数据,或者需要重置一些奇怪的数据缓存。如果有人有任何想法,我将非常感谢。

JSON 的结构如下:

    "articles": {
        "nodes": [
                "id": "/entries/emotions-17th18th/",
                "title": "17th and 18th Century Theories of Emotions",
                "primary_domain": "Mind"
            }, etc, etc,
        "links": [
                "source": "/entries/emotions-17th18th/",
                "target": "/entries/aesthetics-18th-british/"
                "source": "/entries/emotions-17th18th/",
                "target": "/entries/aesthetics-18th-french/"
            },etc, etc

在我的文件的开头,我像这样拉入 JSON:

d3.json('static/network.json').then(function(data) { startVisualization(data)} );

然后从 startVisualization 内部,我将数据对象传递给各种函数以动态构建图形。


function getDomainDataFromJSON(data, domainTitle) { 
    let sourceLinks = [];
    let domainLinks = [];  
    let domainData = {};

    // filter JSON for all the articles tagged in domainTitle
    let domainNodes = data.articles.nodes.filter(dnode => {
        return dnode.primary_domain === domainTitle

    // ****** The problem is happening in these two code blocks, and I can't figure out why *******

    // ****** The first weird thing is that on the second run, the sourcelinks return a different number, 
    // ****** like data.articles.links has been changed.
    // get the source (outgoing) links for each article contained in domainNodes
    domainNodes.forEach(snode => {
        data.articles.links.forEach(slink => {
            if (snode.id === slink.source) {


  // ****** The second weird thing is that on the second run, nothing is returned here at all

   // select only those links in sourceLinks that have a target that is one of the articles in domainNodes
   domainNodes.forEach(tnode => {
        sourceLinks.forEach(tlink => {
            if (tnode.id === tlink.target) {

    //store the domain data as an object to return to calling function
    domainData = { "search": domainTitle,
                    "nodes": domainNodes,
                    "links": domainLinks }

    return domainData


我第一次在域上运行 getDomainDataFromJSON() 时,一切正常。下次我返回图表时,我不会返回任何链接。我不认为问题出在 d3 生成代码中,因为 getDomainDataFromJSON() 返回一个对象,并且每次重新运行图形时,都不会填充任何链接。

您可以在此处查看控制台的输出,显示计数如何变化: 控制台输出


标签: jsond3.js

