首页 > 解决方案 > 我可以更改通用可变参数 lambda 的模板参数推导顺序吗?



template <typename F>
void foo(F f) {
    //bool some = is_variadic_v<F>; // Scenario #1
    bool some = true;               // Scenario #2
    f(int(some), int(some));

int main() {
    auto some = [](int i, int j) {
        std::cout << i << " " << j << '\n';
    foo([&some](auto... params) {

一个函数接受一个通用的可变参数 lambda 并使用一组固定的参数调用它。然后这个 lambda 本身只是调用另一个具有匹配原型的函数/lambda。可以预料,在场景 2 中,当f被调用 inside时foo,编译器将推断params...为参数 pack {1, 1}

对于场景 #1,我使用另一个问答中的代码来推断可调用对象的数量。但是,如果这样的对象可以使用超过预定义的最大参数数量进行调用,则将其视为“可变参数”。详细地说,is_variadic_v将使用表达式 SFINAE 的一种形式,它试图调用具有可隐式转换为任何东西的“任意类型”的参数数量减少的函数对象。

现在的问题是,显然,编译器将在此元代码期间推导出 F(及其参数包),如果它是可变参数(例如在本例中),它将 F 推导出为采用虚拟参数的 lambda,即类似于main()::lambda(<arbitrary_type<0>, arbitrary_type<1>, arbitrary_type<2>, ..., arbitrary_type<N>>)如果 N 是上面的“可变限制”。现在params...推断为arbitrary_type<1>, arbitrary_type<2>, ...和相应地,调用some(params...)将失败。这种行为可以在这个小代码示例中演示:

#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>

constexpr int max_arity = 12; // if a function takes more arguments than that, it will be considered variadic

struct variadic_type { };

// it is templated, to be able to create a
// "sequence" of arbitrary_t's of given size and
// hence, to 'simulate' an arbitrary function signature.
template <auto>
struct arbitrary_type {
    // this type casts implicitly to anything,
    // thus, it can represent an arbitrary type.
    template <typename T>
    operator T&&();

    template <typename T>
    operator T&();

template <
    typename F, auto ...Ints,
    typename = decltype(std::declval<F>()(arbitrary_type<Ints>{ }...))
constexpr auto test_signature(std::index_sequence<Ints...> s) {
    return std::integral_constant<int, size(s)>{ };

template <auto I, typename F>
constexpr auto arity_impl(int) -> decltype(test_signature<F>(std::make_index_sequence<I>{ })) {
    return { };

template <auto I, typename F, typename = std::enable_if_t<(I > 0)>>
constexpr auto arity_impl(...) {
    // try the int overload which will only work,
    // if F takes I-1 arguments. Otherwise this
    // overload will be selected and we'll try it 
    // with one element less.
    return arity_impl<I - 1, F>(0);

template <typename F, auto MaxArity>
constexpr auto arity_impl() {
    // start checking function signatures with max_arity + 1 elements
    constexpr auto tmp = arity_impl<MaxArity+1, F>(0);
    if constexpr (tmp == MaxArity+1) 
        return variadic_type{ }; // if that works, F is considered variadic
    else return tmp; // if not, tmp will be the correct arity of F

template <typename F, auto MaxArity = max_arity>
constexpr auto arity(F&&) { return arity_impl<std::decay_t<F>, MaxArity>(); }

template <typename F, auto MaxArity = max_arity>
constexpr auto arity_v = arity_impl<std::decay_t<F>, MaxArity>();

template <typename F, auto MaxArity = max_arity>
constexpr bool is_variadic_v = std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(arity_v<F, MaxArity>)>, variadic_type>;

template <typename F>
void foo(F f) {
    bool some = is_variadic_v<F>;
    //bool some = true;
    f(int(some), int(some));

int main() {
    auto some = [](int i, int j) {
        std::cout << i << " " << j << '\n';
    foo([&some](auto... params) {




foo([&some](auto... params) {
    // int foo = std::index_sequence<sizeof...(params)>{ };
    std::cout << sizeof...(params) << '\n';


error: cannot convert 'std::index_sequence<13>' {aka 'std::integer_sequence<long unsigned int, 13>'} to 'int' in initialization
   85 |         int foo = std::index_sequence<sizeof...(params)>{ };

那么编译器现在是否同时推断sizeof...(params)为是213?或者他改变主意并选择现在13只是因为我在 lambda 中添加了另一个语句?如果我改为选择static_assert(2 == sizeof...(params));. 所以编译器推断sizeof...(params) == 2,除非我问他是否做了推断2,因为那时他没有。


标签: c++templatesvariadic-templatesc++20generic-lambda

