首页 > 解决方案 > 如何输入多个键,输出应返回多个值。请检查脚本和我的评论


nestdic = { 'modelname' : {
'mod-num-1221' : 'LENEVO' ,
'mod-num-1222' : 'ASUS' ,
'mod-num-1223' : 'APPLE' ,
'mod-num-1224' : 'SAMSUNG' ,
'mod-num-1225' : 'HP'
}, 'ostype' : {
'LENEVO' : 'Windows' ,
'ASUS' : 'Windows' ,
'APPLE' : 'IOS' ,
'HP' : 'Windows'
} }

option = input("Please select from the below options\n1. Vendor Name type\n2. OS type\n\n\nPlease make a selection or press Q to quit: ")
if option == '1':
        for i in range(5):
                modelnum = input("Please enter the model num: ")
                model = list(nestdic['modelname'])
                if modelnum not in model:
                        print("Model name not found")
                modelname = nestdic['modelname'][modelnum]
                if modelnum in model:
                        print("model name = " + modelname)
elif option == '2':
        for i in range(5):
                compname = input("Please enter the vendors name: ")
                os = list(nestdic['ostype'])
                if compname not in os:
                        print("os name not found")
                compsname = nestdic['ostype'][compname]
                if compname in os:
                        print("OS type = " + compsname)

当我运行这个脚本时,它会询问我选项。如果我选择型号,它会要求我输入型号...当我输入型号(键)时,它会给我型号名称(值)...目前,我可以提供一个输入并获得一个仅单输出。我想输入多个值并获得多个输出。输入 = mod-num-1221、mod-num-1222、mod-num-1225 输出 = 联想、华硕、惠普

标签: pythondictionary



import re

nestdic = { 'modelname' : {
'mod-num-1221' : 'LENEVO' ,
'mod-num-1222' : 'ASUS' ,
'mod-num-1223' : 'APPLE' ,
'mod-num-1224' : 'SAMSUNG' ,
'mod-num-1225' : 'HP'
}, 'ostype' : {
'LENEVO' : 'Windows' ,
'ASUS' : 'Windows' ,
'APPLE' : 'IOS' ,
'HP' : 'Windows'
} }

option = input("Please select from the below options\n1. Vendor Name type\n2. OS type\n\n\nPlease make a selection or press Q to quit: ")
if option == '1':
        models = nestdic['modelname'] # no reason for this to be in the loop and don't convert to list
        while True: # loop while there is an error
                error = False
                modelnums_str = input("Please enter the model numbers separated by commas: ").strip()
                if modelnums_str == '':
                modelnums = [modelnum for modelnum in re.split(r',\s*', modelnums_str)]
                modelnames = []
                for modelnum in modelnums:
                        if modelnum not in models:
                                print(f'Model number {modelnum} not found.')
                                error = True
                if error:
                if modelnames:
                        print(f"Input = {', '.join(modelnums)}, Output = {', '.join(modelnames)}")

elif option == '2':
        os = nestdic['ostype'] # no reason for this to be in the loop and don't convert to a list
        for i in range(5):
                compname = input("Please enter the vendors name: ")
                if compname not in os:
                        print("os name not found")
                compsname = os[compname]
                print("OS type = " + compsname)

尽量使用 4 个空格进行缩进;8有点多。请参阅PEP 8 -- Python 代码样式指南
