首页 > 解决方案 > 解析 git 历史记录并对其进行模式匹配,一旦找到匹配项,就在变量中捕获附近的值


我有很长的 git 历史,我想找到“build(mariadbstuff): Copybara import”的第一个实例,然后在变量中捕获其关联的 GitOrigin-RevId“d7b349b6b6db24047ae32a1618dd5f5544864225”。

我有一种非常hacky,丑陋的方式,我希望有一种更清洁的方式。这是完成这项工作的正确但笨拙且丑陋的 bash cmd(尽管它不会删除 GitOriginRevId 部分):

sed -e '/build(mariadbstuff)/,/GitOriginRevId/!d' <(git log) > outputfile.txt && sed -n 11p outputfile.txt

... // more contents of git history
build(mariadbstuff): Copybara import
    Squashed commit of the following:
    commit d8829cc7df7a6813f93d224916b10e7c148950be
    Author: Copybara <blah-tools@blah.com>
    Date:   Fri Jul 10 10:26:41 2020 -0400
        Project import generated by Copybara.
        GitOrigin-RevId: d7b349b6b6db24047ae32a1618dd5f5544864225

... // more contents of git history

标签: regexgitawksedgrep


您能否尝试在 GNU 中使用显示的示例进行跟踪、编写和测试awk。此解决方案尽快退出 Input_file,它会获得 OP 所需的 id,并且不会读取整个 Input_file,这将比读取整个 Input_file 解决方案更快。

awk '
/build\(mariadbstuff\): Copybara/{
found && /GitOrigin-RevId:/{
  print $NF
'  Input_file


awk '                                    ##Starting awk program from here.
/build\(mariadbstuff\): Copybara/{       ##Checking condition if a line contains string build\(mariadbstuff\): Copybara escaping ( and ) in it to treat it as literal character here.
  found=1                                ##Setting found variable to 1 here.
  next                                   ##next will skip all further statements from here.
found && /GitOrigin-RevId:/{             ##Checking condition if found is SET and line has string GitOrigin-RevId: then do following.
  print $NF                              ##Printing last column of current line here.
  exit                                   ##exiting from program from here to save sometime :)
'  Input_file                            ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
