首页 > 解决方案 > Appjar 标签不会更新


链接到 pastebin 中的代码 我是 Python 新手,我试图创建一个计算器应用程序。我正在为我的计算器 GUI 使用 Appjar 库。计算器工作正常,但 appjar 标签“bar”不会更新,尽管变量累加器发生了变化。我试图添加循环、appjar 的 .after() 函数,并弄乱了 appjar 的自动更新系统,但我似乎无法解决问题。

#define variables
accumulator = 0
mem = 0
op = ''
#import GUI
from appJar import gui
app=gui("Grid Demo", "500x600")
# Do the math will take the accumulator and memory registers and perform the prevailing operation on them.
# It returns the result, as an integer
def doTheMath(a,b,o):
    if o == "add":
        return a + b
    if o == "sub":
        return b - a
    if o == "mul":
        return a * b
    if o == "div":
        return b/a
    #press function defines the output of each button.
def press(button):
    global accumulator
    global mem
    global op
    print ("A button was pressed: " + button)
    if button == "C":
        accumulator = 0
        op = ""
        mem = 0
    elif button == "=":
        accumulator = doTheMath(accumulator,mem,str(op))
        mem = 0
        op = ""
    elif button == "+":
        op = "add"
        mem = accumulator
        accumulator = 0
    elif button == "-":
        op = "sub"
        mem = accumulator
        accumulator = 0
    elif button == "x":
        op = "mul"
        mem = accumulator
        accumulator = 0
    elif button == "÷":
        op = "div"
        mem = accumulator
        accumulator = 0
        accumulator = accumulator * 10 + int(button)
    print ("Acc: " + str(accumulator) + ", op: " + op + ", mem: " + str(mem))
    #define widgets in GUI
app.addLabel("bar", error+str(accumulator), 0, 0, 3)
app.addButtons(["1"], press, 3, 0)
app.addButtons(["2"], press, 3, 1)
app.addButtons(["3"], press, 3, 2)
app.addButtons(["4"], press, 2, 0)
app.addButtons(["5"], press, 2, 1)
app.addButtons(["6"], press, 2, 2)
app.addButtons(["7"], press, 1, 0)
app.addButtons(["8"], press, 1, 1)
app.addButtons(["9"], press, 1, 2)
app.addButtons(["0"], press, 4, 1)
app.addButtons(["+"], press, 3, 3)
app.addButtons(["-"], press, 4, 3)
app.addButtons(["x"], press, 2, 3)
app.addButtons(["÷"], press, 1, 3)
app.addButtons(["="], press, 4, 2)
app.addButtons(["C"], press, 4, 0)

标签: pythonuser-interfacecalculatorupdatesappjar


.setlable()每当“bar”中的任何变量发生更改时,都需要引用 Appjar ,我创建了一个名为 changeLable() 的函数,

def changeLabel():  
    app.setLabel("bar", error+str(accumulator))

当在 if 语句集的末尾引用时,将标签“bar”更改为error+str(accumulator.
