首页 > 解决方案 > 如何为用户生成随机 ID 并将其保存在文件中。在 Discord.py 中应该始终可以访问此 ID?


我想出了用票务系统为我的服务器创建一个唯一 ID 系统的想法。它是这样工作的:当用户加入服务器时,机器人会自动生成 ID 并将此 ID 存储在一个文件中,该文件的用户 ID 来自 discord。如果用户使用机器人创建票证,机器人会将其为用户生成的 ID 添加到消息中。此外,应该有一个命令,允许我调用用户和他的 ID。


random = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in range(8)])


async def create_channel(ctx, channel_name='unnamed_channel', *, reason=None):
    member = ctx.author
    guild = ctx.guild
    existing_channel = discord.utils.get(guild.channels, name=channel_name)
    reason_length = len(reason)
    missing_length = 50 - reason_length
    if reason_length < 50:
        await ctx.send(f'Hey, your ticket should be at least 50 characters long to relay it to the moderators. {missing_length} missing characters.')
        if existing_channel:
            await ctx.send(f'There is already a ticket with the name {channel_name}. Please selcet another name.')
        if not existing_channel:
            channel = await guild.create_text_channel(channel_name)

            await channel.set_permissions(guild.default_role, read_messages=False)
            await channel.set_permissions(ctx.author, read_messages=True)
            embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Ticket: {channel_name}", description=f"**Description**: {reason}\n**ID**: {random}")
            await channel.send(embed=embed)
            await member.send("Ticket: `" + channel_name + '` erstellt!')
            print(f'Creating a new ticket channel: {channel_name}, by {member.name}, at {ctx.message.created_at}, on: {guild.name}, ID: {random}')


标签: pythonpython-3.xdiscord.py


我会用 SQL

1. 下载 SQLite Studio - https://sqlitestudio.pl/
2. 在 SQLite Studio 中创建新的数据库文件,与你的不和谐机器人代码


import sqlite3

db = sqlite3.connect('database_file_name.db')
cursor = db.cursor()

async def addUserID(user):
    serverID = user.guild.id
    id = 0

    # if user already have id in database the code will break
        if cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM `{0}` WHERE `discord_id` = '{1}'".format(serverID, user.id)): return
    except: pass

        # if table for this server was already created
        for i in cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `{}`'.format(str(serverID))): id = i[0]
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO `{0}` (`user`, `discord_id`, `id`) VALUES('{1}', '{2}', '{3}')".format(serverID, user, str(user.id), id))
        # otherwise, it creates a table for this server and puts the user data there
        cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE `{}` ( `user` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `discord_id` INT NOT NULL , `id` INT NOT NULL )'.format(serverID))
        for i in cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `{}`'.format(serverID)): id = i[0]
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO `{0}` (`user`, `discord_id`, `id`) VALUES('{1}', '{2}', '{3}')".format(serverID, user, str(user.id), id))

# this function returns the id you wanted to implement, but before using this function you must use the addUserID() function
async def getUserID(user):
        for row in cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM `{0}` WHERE `discord_id` = '{1}'".format(user.guild.id, user.id)): return row[2]
    except Exception as error:
        raise Exception('The user has no identifier. To add an ID to a user, use the addUserID(discord.Member) function\n\nError:\n' + str(error))

# when member joined it is adding to this member id and prints it
async def on_member_join(member):
        await addUserID(member)
        print('Own user id: ' + await getUserID(member))

