首页 > 解决方案 > 在Jquery中的窗口滚动上将元素位置调整为0?



在窗口滚动事件中,我的目录从顶部留下了很多空间。我试图做到这一点,我的目录部分,在窗口滚动时保持在位置 0,当窗口滚动在位置 0 时,我希望它正好位于横幅图像下方。但它不起作用。

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            <h1 class="text-center" id="release-note">Release Note</h1>
            <h1>0.1.4 (2020-07-06)</h1>
              <li>Fixed install package from test server via command line.</li>
              <li>Setup tool is able to include icon.</li>
              <li>Read package file from archive format whl and gz file.</li>
              <li>Flexiable Package icon .png or .icon</li>
              <li>Link with tab by link NEWS.rst or CHANGELOG.md.</li>
              <li>Fixed reverse package push record and package record.</li>
              <li>Data clean up on server test, production or both.</li>
            <h1>0.1.3 (2020-07-01)</h1>
              <li>Fixed error package push on reverse record.</li>
              <li>Change browser title, icon, and update footer.</li>
              <li>Fixed error on URL Project when user does not follow our pre-formate in setup.py file.</li>
              <li>Add field PkgVersion to table MKT_PKG_ACCESS_DE to filter package by version</li>
              <li>Able to use ALL keyword in version grant package access to all version.</li>
            <h1>0.1.2 (2020-06-26)</h1>
              <li>Update tab title to Morakot Private Package</li>
              <li>Add package platform in user activity</li>
              <li>Download now is classified by version and platform </li>
              <li>User in Morakot Organization and in Test server default can access all pacakge in test server</li>
            <h1>0.1.1 (2020-06-21)</h1>
              <li>Cut branch dev from master</li>
              <li>Add Modules, forms and models</li>
              <li>Adding host, port, http type as configuration</li>
              <li>Adding install and upload instructions</li>
              <li>Update pip install command line.</li>
              <li>Add new widget new release.</li>
              <li>Update user activity to sort by date descending.</li>
              <li>Package user in release history.</li>
            <h1>0.1.0 (2020-01-01)</h1>
              <li>Initial project first version</li>
            <h1>0.1.4 (2020-07-06)</h1>
              <li>Fixed install package from test server via command line.</li>
              <li>Setup tool is able to include icon.</li>
              <li>Read package file from archive format whl and gz file.</li>
              <li>Flexiable Package icon .png or .icon</li>
              <li>Link with tab by link NEWS.rst or CHANGELOG.md.</li>
              <li>Fixed reverse package push record and package record.</li>
              <li>Data clean up on server test, production or both.</li>
            <h1>0.1.3 (2020-07-01)</h1>
              <li>Fixed error package push on reverse record.</li>
              <li>Change browser title, icon, and update footer.</li>
              <li>Fixed error on URL Project when user does not follow our pre-formate in setup.py file.</li>
              <li>Add field PkgVersion to table MKT_PKG_ACCESS_DE to filter package by version</li>
              <li>Able to use ALL keyword in version grant package access to all version.</li>
            <h1>0.1.2 (2020-06-26)</h1>
              <li>Update tab title to Morakot Private Package</li>
              <li>Add package platform in user activity</li>
              <li>Download now is classified by version and platform </li>
              <li>User in Morakot Organization and in Test server default can access all pacakge in test server</li>
            <h1>0.1.1 (2020-06-21)</h1>
              <li>Cut branch dev from master</li>
              <li>Add Modules, forms and models</li>
              <li>Adding host, port, http type as configuration</li>
              <li>Adding install and upload instructions</li>
              <li>Update pip install command line.</li>
              <li>Add new widget new release.</li>
              <li>Update user activity to sort by date descending.</li>
              <li>Package user in release history.</li>
            <h1>0.1.0 (2020-01-01)</h1>
              <li>Initial project first version</li>

        <!-- </div> tab 2 -->

        <!-- /End Tab -->

我的 js 来修复我的目录顶部边距,但似乎它不起作用。

    /* fix Table of Content top margin on Scroll */
    // var CurrentScroll = $(window).offset().top; //.scrollTop()
    var ElementY = $('#toc').offset().top;
        if (ElementY >= 400) {
            // alert(CurrentScroll);
            $('#toc').css('top', ElementY - 400);
            $('#toc').css('top', ElementY);


标签: javascripthtmljquery



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    wS = $(this).scrollTop();
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    if ($(this).scrollTop() >= $('#banner').position().top + $('#banner').outerHeight()) {
      console.log('Scrolling down beyoun the banner ');
      $('#toc').css('position', 'fixed');
      $('#toc').css('top', 0);
    } else {
      console.log('Scrolling up across banner');
      $('#toc').css('position', 'static');
      $('#toc').css('top', $('#banner').outerHeight(), );

nav#toc {
  position: static;

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          <div class="pbox releasenote">

            <h1 class="text-center" id="release-note">Release Note</h1>
            <h1>0.1.4 (2020-07-06)</h1>
              <li>Fixed install package from test server via command line.</li>
              <li>Setup tool is able to include icon.</li>
              <li>Read package file from archive format whl and gz file.</li>
              <li>Flexiable Package icon .png or .icon</li>
              <li>Link with tab by link NEWS.rst or CHANGELOG.md.</li>
              <li>Fixed reverse package push record and package record.</li>
              <li>Data clean up on server test, production or both.</li>
            <h1>0.1.3 (2020-07-01)</h1>
              <li>Fixed error package push on reverse record.</li>
              <li>Change browser title, icon, and update footer.</li>
              <li>Fixed error on URL Project when user does not follow our pre-formate in setup.py file.</li>
              <li>Add field PkgVersion to table MKT_PKG_ACCESS_DE to filter package by version</li>
              <li>Able to use ALL keyword in version grant package access to all version.</li>
            <h1>0.1.2 (2020-06-26)</h1>
              <li>Update tab title to Morakot Private Package</li>
              <li>Add package platform in user activity</li>
              <li>Download now is classified by version and platform </li>
              <li>User in Morakot Organization and in Test server default can access all pacakge in test server</li>
            <h1>0.1.1 (2020-06-21)</h1>
              <li>Cut branch dev from master</li>
              <li>Add Modules, forms and models</li>
              <li>Adding host, port, http type as configuration</li>
              <li>Adding install and upload instructions</li>
              <li>Update pip install command line.</li>
              <li>Add new widget new release.</li>
              <li>Update user activity to sort by date descending.</li>
              <li>Package user in release history.</li>
            <h1>0.1.0 (2020-01-01)</h1>
              <li>Initial project first version</li>
            <h1>0.1.4 (2020-07-06)</h1>
              <li>Fixed install package from test server via command line.</li>
              <li>Setup tool is able to include icon.</li>
              <li>Read package file from archive format whl and gz file.</li>
              <li>Flexiable Package icon .png or .icon</li>
              <li>Link with tab by link NEWS.rst or CHANGELOG.md.</li>
              <li>Fixed reverse package push record and package record.</li>
              <li>Data clean up on server test, production or both.</li>
            <h1>0.1.3 (2020-07-01)</h1>
              <li>Fixed error package push on reverse record.</li>
              <li>Change browser title, icon, and update footer.</li>
              <li>Fixed error on URL Project when user does not follow our pre-formate in setup.py file.</li>
              <li>Add field PkgVersion to table MKT_PKG_ACCESS_DE to filter package by version</li>
              <li>Able to use ALL keyword in version grant package access to all version.</li>
            <h1>0.1.2 (2020-06-26)</h1>
              <li>Update tab title to Morakot Private Package</li>
              <li>Add package platform in user activity</li>
              <li>Download now is classified by version and platform </li>
              <li>User in Morakot Organization and in Test server default can access all pacakge in test server</li>
            <h1>0.1.1 (2020-06-21)</h1>
              <li>Cut branch dev from master</li>
              <li>Add Modules, forms and models</li>
              <li>Adding host, port, http type as configuration</li>
              <li>Adding install and upload instructions</li>
              <li>Update pip install command line.</li>
              <li>Add new widget new release.</li>
              <li>Update user activity to sort by date descending.</li>
              <li>Package user in release history.</li>
            <h1>0.1.0 (2020-01-01)</h1>
              <li>Initial project first version</li>

        <!-- </div> tab 2 -->

        <!-- /End Tab -->

