首页 > 解决方案 > 在wixsite的javascript中循环遍历数组



我在想这样做的方法是在 javascript 中创建一个包含我想要输入的单词的数组,然后循环遍历该数组,使用我选择的文本动画将每个单词显示在屏幕上。

我有一个需要一个单词的代码,并将其“打字”到我的 wix 网站上,但是我如何调整它以对许多单词执行相同的操作,一个接一个地退出屏幕(几乎就像正在键入单词的幻灯片? )


> import wixData from 'wix-data';
> let interval; let timeInterval = 350; let typeStr = "Invest"; let
> typeIdx; let htmlStr = ''; let displayStr;
> $w.onReady(function () {

// Get the original html string, and split it into two pieces.
// In the process, remove the separator !##!
// By saving the original html, we preserve the style of the text to display.
if (htmlStr.length === 0) { // just get the original html text the first time
    htmlStr = $w("#typewriterPage").html;
$w("#typewriterPage").html = ''; // don't show the original text
let strPieces = htmlStr.split("!##!");

displayStr = ''; // init string that we will "type" to
typeIdx = 0; // start at beginning of string we want to "type"

// Declare an interval function that will run in the background.
// This function will be triggered by the defined timeInterval.
interval = setInterval(function () {
    // Get next char from string to be typed and concatenate to the display string.
    displayStr = displayStr + typeStr[typeIdx++];
    // Make a sandwich with the display string in between the original html pieces.
    $w("#typewriterPage").html = strPieces[0] + displayStr + strPieces[1];
    // Stop the interval from running when we get to the last character to by "typed".
    if (typeIdx === typeStr.length) clearInterval(interval);
}, timeInterval);

标签: javascriptarraysanimationtextvelo


const $w = document.querySelector.bind(document);

Object.defineProperty($w('#typewriterPage'), 'html', {
  get: function () { return this.innerHTML },
  set: function (html) { this.innerHTML = html }
// ignore everything above this comment

const typewriterPage = $w('#typewriterPage');

const carouselWords = ['Invest', 'Finance', 'Borrow', 'Lend'];

typeWords(carouselWords, typewriterPage.html.split('!##!'));

async function typeWords(words, style) {
  while (true) {
    const [word] = words;
    await typeWord(word, style);

function typeWord(word, style) {
  const chars = [...word];
  let stack = '';
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    const interval = setInterval(() => {
      if (!chars.length) {
      stack += chars.shift();
      typewriterPage.html = style[0] + stack + style[1];
    }, 250);
<span id='typewriterPage'><u>!##!</u></span>
