首页 > 解决方案 > 我想将以下文本文件转换为标题为列且相应数据为行的文件


下载后,我拥有的所有数据都在文本文件 (.txt) 中。我有多个像这样的文件(至少 70000 个),我想我会先使用 cmd 中的 copy.txt 将它们合并到一个主文本文件中。然后我想分析 mastertext 文件,因此理想的输出是 .csv 文件。

出于分析目的,需要将数据转换为类似结构的表格。每个文件(在我拥有的 70000 个 .txt 文件中)都以“[”开头并以“]”结尾,每个新数据行都以“{”开头并以“}”结尾,我有多行数据相同的格式。我希望转换后的数据具有诸如“campaignId”之类的标题,以便我可以使用数据透视表分析列(就像您在 excel 中所做的那样)。我是编程新手,不确定 Python 中的哪些库可以帮助我实现目标。

这是我拥有的数据的示例。(注意 - 这些只是一个文件中的两行,我有大约 70000 个这样的文件)

    "campaignId": "all",
    "startDate": "2020-06-11",
    "endDate": "2020-06-11",
    "device": "Computers",
    "network": "Display Network",
    "channel": "all",
    "accLevelQS": -1.0,
    "impressions": 389,
    "clicks": 3,
    "ctr": 0.0,
    "avgCPC": 0.0,
    "convValuePerClick": 0.0,
    "convValuePerCost": 0.0,
    "costConv1PerClick": 0.0,
    "convRate1PerClick": 0.0,
    "cost": 0.142884,
    "conv1PerClick": 0.0,
    "totalConvValue": 0.00,
    "allConversions": 0.0,
    "allConversionValue": 0.00,
    "avgPosition": 0.0,
    "intr": 3,
    "searchImprShare": 0.0,
    "contImprShare": 5.0,
    "impressionShare": 5.0
    "campaignId": "all",
    "startDate": "2020-06-11",
    "endDate": "2020-06-11",
    "device": "Mobile devices with full browsers",
    "network": "Display Network",
    "channel": "all",
    "accLevelQS": -1.0,
    "impressions": 6101,
    "clicks": 90,
    "ctr": 0.0,
    "avgCPC": 0.0,
    "convValuePerClick": 0.0,
    "convValuePerCost": 0.0,
    "costConv1PerClick": 0.0,
    "convRate1PerClick": 0.0,
    "cost": 4.342799,
    "conv1PerClick": 0.0,
    "totalConvValue": 0.00,
    "allConversions": 0.0,
    "allConversionValue": 0.00,
    "avgPosition": 0.0,
    "intr": 90,
    "searchImprShare": 0.0,
    "contImprShare": 5.0077566465021217,
    "impressionShare": 5.0077566465021217

标签: pythonjsonexceldata-analysis


我做了一些假设,因为您提供的数据看起来像是 JSON 数据列表。这是因为您的条目之间有一个“,”。

这是我的input.json文件。请注意,我在顶部和底部添加了 [ 和 ],因为这将为您的数据提供正确的 JSON 结构。

    "campaignId": "all",
    "startDate": "2020-06-11",
    "endDate": "2020-06-11",
    "device": "Computers",
    "network": "Display Network",
    "channel": "all",
    "accLevelQS": -1.0,
    "impressions": 389,
    "clicks": 3,
    "ctr": 0.0,
    "avgCPC": 0.0,
    "convValuePerClick": 0.0,
    "convValuePerCost": 0.0,
    "costConv1PerClick": 0.0,
    "convRate1PerClick": 0.0,
    "cost": 0.142884,
    "conv1PerClick": 0.0,
    "totalConvValue": 0.00,
    "allConversions": 0.0,
    "allConversionValue": 0.00,
    "avgPosition": 0.0,
    "intr": 3,
    "searchImprShare": 0.0,
    "contImprShare": 5.0,
    "impressionShare": 5.0
    "campaignId": "all",
    "startDate": "2020-06-11",
    "endDate": "2020-06-11",
    "device": "Mobile devices with full browsers",
    "network": "Display Network",
    "channel": "all",
    "accLevelQS": -1.0,
    "impressions": 6101,
    "clicks": 90,
    "ctr": 0.0,
    "avgCPC": 0.0,
    "convValuePerClick": 0.0,
    "convValuePerCost": 0.0,
    "costConv1PerClick": 0.0,
    "convRate1PerClick": 0.0,
    "cost": 4.342799,
    "conv1PerClick": 0.0,
    "totalConvValue": 0.00,
    "allConversions": 0.0,
    "allConversionValue": 0.00,
    "avgPosition": 0.0,
    "intr": 90,
    "searchImprShare": 0.0,
    "contImprShare": 5.0077566465021217,
    "impressionShare": 5.0077566465021217

这是使用该pandas库将数据处理成数据帧然后将其写入 CSV 文件的代码。

import json  # Available by default, no install required.
import glob  # Available by default, no install required.
import pandas as pd  # Requires installation via pip.

# Initialise a list to store our results.
combined_json = []

# Set a glob pattern to *.txt since your files are txt files.
# You can also write the full path e.g. /home/user/textfiles/*.txt
text_files = glob.glob("*.txt")

# Loop through all the text files and combine them into a single JSON list.
# As for 70,000 files, I am unsure how the performance will turn out.
for json_text in text_files:
    with open(json_text, 'r') as text_file:

# Write all the files to a JSON file. For your future usage.
# You also can read directly from the combed_json variable.
with open('input.json', 'w') as json_file:
    json.dump(combined_json, json_file, indent=2)

# Convert the JSON data into a dataframe, using the combined_json variable.
json_df = pd.json_normalize(combined_json)

# Write the data from the dataframe to the CSV file.
# Mode "w" will always overwrite the CSV file, use mode "a" to append text instead of overwriting.
json_df.to_csv("dataframe.csv", mode="w")



如果您希望从字符串而不是文件加载 JSON,可以参考此处

