首页 > 解决方案 > VBA-想要单击具有多个框架的元素


有了上一个问题的答案,我向前迈进了一步,但仍然停留在我想单击该元素的地方,但它似乎有 2 帧,这就是我运行代码时给出的错误该元素未找到的原因,请检查附件和下面代码和建议。

Sub activeBexIE_Final()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'On Error Resume Next
Dim Perm_bot As New Selenium.IEDriver         
Perm_bot.Get "official link"

Perm_bot.Wait 2000

Perm_bot.FindElementById("logonuidfield").SendKeys "XYZ"
Perm_bot.SendKeys Perm_bot.Keys.Tab
Perm_bot.SendKeys "PQR"
Perm_bot.SendKeys Perm_bot.Keys.Enter
Perm_bot.Wait 40000

Perm_bot.Wait 30000' *till here I am sucessful- Opening Url-login-click on 
"Open" option*

*'from here I am unable to move further, pls check attachment"select 
layout" like how I wanted to select and also check the attachment "frame" 
and "element" which is having the HTML details, not sure if this particular 
element has 2 element, if yes then how I should write the script and after 
this I wanted to do  tab 7 times and then enter, kindly help for further 
script, thanks in advance

'Perm_bot.switchToFrame Perm_bot.FindElementById("urPopupOuter0")

Perm_bot.switchToFrame Perm_bot.FindElementById("urPopupInner0")


SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Perm_bot.Wait 10000
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Set perm_dot = Nothing
End Sub

选择布局 框架元素

标签: vbaseleniuminternet-explorerweb-scrapingiframe


I believe your concern is your iframes are having similar attributes and you have to switch to each one of it before tabing 7 times.

Approach would be Just like getting all windows handles and then loop you can use common xpath for iframe for e.g


this will return iframe elements and then you can use loop and traverse and use

