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我正在使用第三方 Questions/Answers API,我问它一堆问题,它为他们提供可能的答案,这可能会导致更多问题

现在我只想用 HTML 呈现它们,但我的问题是,我正在将 JSON 从他们的 Web 服务反序列化为 C# 类,原始 JSON 看起来像

                     "questionPhrase":"can this customer reported issue can be caused by accidental damage",
                     "questionPhrase":"What damage is present on the display glass?",
                           "answerPhrase":"Single hairline crack with no point of impact",
                           "answerPhrase":"Single hairline crack with a point of impact",
                     "questionPhrase":"Was the customer using any third party accessories on the display?",
                                 "questionPhrase":"Will the customer cover the cost of repair",

标准问题->答案很好,但有一些例子,它的问题->答案->问题->答案->问题->答案,我猜对于某些设备它可以递归多达 10-15 个问题。

我不太确定如何解决这个问题,我首先可能会尝试创建一个通用树然后渲染该树,但我不确定我是否需要使用反射来检查类,或者真的如何说如果答案会导致更多问题,继续添加,而无需编写大量 if 语句



标签: c#htmljsonrecursion



// Starting point with a list of questions.
private static void AskQuestion(List<Questions> questions)
    foreach (Questions question in questions)
        Console.WriteLine(question.QuestionId + ": " + question.QuestionPhrase);
    Console.Write("Select Question: ");
    string ID = Console.ReadLine();

    Questions selectedQuestion = questions.Where(x => x.QuestionId.Equals(ID)).FirstOrDefault();
    if (selectedQuestion.Answers != null)
        foreach (Answers answers in selectedQuestion.Answers)
            Console.WriteLine(answers.AnswerId + ": " + answers.AnswerPhrase);

        Console.Write("Select Answer: ");
        ID = Console.ReadLine();
        Answers answer = selectedQuestion.Answers.Where(x => x.AnswerId.Equals(ID)).FirstOrDefault();

        if (answer.Questions != null && answer.Questions.Count > 0)
            AskQuestion(answer.Questions); // <-- This is where you would recursively call the AskQuestion method for further questions.
            Console.WriteLine("Hope you got the answer you were looking for");

public class Questionaire
    public List<QuestionDetails> QuestionDetails { get; set; }
public class QuestionDetails
    public string TemplateId { get; set; }
    public List<Trees> Trees { get; set; }

public class Trees
    public List<Questions> Questions { get; set; }
    public string TreeId { get; set; }

public class Questions
    public string QuestionPhrase { get; set; }
    public string AnswerType { get; set; }
    public string QuestionId { get; set; }
    public List<Answers> Answers { get; set; }
public class Answers
    public string AnswerPhrase { get; set; }
    public string AnswerId { get; set; }
    public List<Questions> Questions { get; set; }


var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Questionaire>(json);
