首页 > 解决方案 > 生成老化报告



| Loan ID | Account  |     Name      | Amortization Date | Amortized Principal | Paid Amount | Date Paid | Balance |
|       2 | A0007787 | JIMMY NEUTRON | 3/9/2020          |             3823.53 |     3823.53 | 3/9/2020  |       0 |
|       2 | A0007787 | JIMMY NEUTRON | 4/9/2020          |             3823.53 |         500 | 3/9/2020  | 3323.53 |
|       2 | A0007787 | JIMMY NEUTRON | 5/9/2020          |             3823.53 |           0 | NULL      | 3823.53 |

零 (0) 支付金额和NULL Date Paid 表示尚未支付摊销本金。以下是我想要的特定老化日期的输出。

帐龄 A - 3 月 12 日帐龄已于 3 月 12 日支付 3 月 9 日的时间表

| Loan ID | Account  |     Name      |    Due     |  Payment   | Balance | Current |  30   |  60   |  90   | 120 and Above |
|       2 | A0007787 | JIMMY NEUTRON |  3,823.53  |  3,823.53  |       0 |    -    |  -    |  -    |  -    |          -    |

老化 B - 5 月 10 日500.00 已于 4 月 9 日支付 4 月 9 日的时间表

| Loan ID | Account  |     Name      |    Due     | Payment  |  Balance   |  Current   |  30   |  60   |  90   |  120 and Above  |
|       2 | A0007787 | JIMMY NEUTRON |  3,823.53  |  500.00  |  3,323.53  |  3,323.53  |  -    |  -    |  -    |            -    |

帐龄 C - 6 月 10日 4 月 9 日的时间表有余额,5 月 9 日没有付款


| Loan ID | Account  |     Name      |    Due     | Payment |  Balance   |  Current  |     30     |     60     |  90   |  120 and Above  |
|       2 | A0007787 | JIMMY NEUTRON |  7,147.06  |     500 |  7,147.06  |      -    |  3,823.53  |  3,323.53  |  -    |            -    |

我在这里查看并尝试了建议的解决方案,制作了 tweeks,但它似乎不适合我想要制作的内容。


Loan, ID, Account, Name, AmortizationSchedule,  AmortizedPrincipal, PaidAmount, DatePaid, Balance)
SELECT Loan, ID, Account, Name, AmortizationSchedule,   AmortizedPrincipal, PaidAmount, DatePaid, Balance
 FROM tblAccount

Select DISTINCT Loan, ID, Account, Name, AmortizationSchedule,  AmortizedPrincipal, PaidAmount, DatePaid, Balance
    (case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf  )) < 1 then balance else 0 end) as [Current],
    (case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf  )) between 1 and 30 then balance else 0 end) as [DueTo30],
    (case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf  )) between 31 and 60 then balance else 0 end) as [DueTo60],
    (case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf  )) between 61 and 90 then balance else 0 end) as [DueTo90],
    (case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf  )) between 91 and 120 then balance else 0 end) as [DueTo120],
    (case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf  )) > 120 then balance else 0 end) as [Over120]
from @Aging where balance<>0.00  
order by Account


    | Loan ID | Account  |     Name      |     Due     |  Payment   |   Balance   |  Current  |  30   |     60      | 90 |  120 and Above  |
    |       2 | A0007787 | JIMMY NEUTRON |  90,000.00  |  8,647.06  |  14,294.12  |      -    |  -    |  14,294.12  |  0 |               0 |



标签: sqlsql-serverstored-proceduresreport


您的查询提供了一次正确的结果group by并被sum使用。我错过了什么吗?

Select DISTINCT [Loan ID], Account, [Name]
,sum(AmortizedPrincipal) Due, sum(PaidAmount) Payment, sum(Balance) Balance,
    sum(case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf)) < 1 then balance else 0 end) as [Current],
    sum(case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf)) between 1 and 30 then balance else 0 end) as [DueTo30],
    sum(case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf)) between 31 and 60 then balance else 0 end) as [DueTo60],
    sum(case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf)) between 61 and 90 then balance else 0 end) as [DueTo90],
    sum(case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf)) between 91 and 120 then balance else 0 end) as [DueTo120],
    sum(case when DATEDIFF(day,convert(date,AmortizationSchedule),convert(date,@DateAsOf)) > 120 then balance else 0 end) as [Over120]
from @Aging where balance<>0.00  
GROUP BY [Loan ID], Account, [Name]
order by Account

请在此处检查 db<>fiddle 。
