首页 > 解决方案 > 如何通过更改计数值在 Oracle 中按组填写缺失的日期


这是对我之前发布的一个问题的轻微修改: 如何在 Oracle 中按组填写缺失的日期

我在 Oracle SQL 中有下表:

|   Date    | Color | Count |
| 16-Jan-20 | blue  |     7 |
| 19-Jan-20 | blue  |    32 |
| 23-Jan-20 | blue  |    16 |
| 28-Jan-20 | blue  |    24 |
| 31-Jan-20 | blue  |    41 |
| 2-Feb-20  | blue  |    11 |
| 28-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 3-Feb-20  | red   |     5 |
| 6-Feb-20  | red   |    11 |
| 11-Feb-20 | red   |     4 |
| 15-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |

我要做的是为每个color, 填写从 2020 年 1 月 1 日到 2020 年 2 月 29 日的缺失日期。这样做,我想COUNT按以下方式使用该列:

  1. 以向前填充的方式获取COUNTfor a COLOR。例如,在我的表中, 2020 年 1 月 17 日是缺失的BLUE。我将在 2020 年 1 月 17 日填写COUNT7,因为它是该颜色的最新可用计数。同样,对于 2020 年 1 月 22 日,对于BLUE,我将填写 32 COUNT
  2. 如果COUNT在给定日期之前不存在任何值,则使用可用COUNT的最早COUNT值填充该值。例如,对于 2020 年 1 月 2 日,COUNT值将为 7 BLUE


|   Date    | Color | Count |
| 1-Jan-20  | blue  |     7 |
| 2-Jan-20  | blue  |     7 |
| 3-Jan-20  | blue  |     7 |
| 4-Jan-20  | blue  |     7 |
| 5-Jan-20  | blue  |     7 |
| 6-Jan-20  | blue  |     7 |
| 7-Jan-20  | blue  |     7 |
| 8-Jan-20  | blue  |     7 |
| 9-Jan-20  | blue  |     7 |
| 10-Jan-20 | blue  |     7 |
| 11-Jan-20 | blue  |     7 |
| 12-Jan-20 | blue  |     7 |
| 13-Jan-20 | blue  |     7 |
| 14-Jan-20 | blue  |     7 |
| 15-Jan-20 | blue  |     7 |
| 16-Jan-20 | blue  |     7 |
| 17-Jan-20 | blue  |     7 |
| 18-Jan-20 | blue  |     7 |
| 19-Jan-20 | blue  |    32 |
| 20-Jan-20 | blue  |    32 |
| 21-Jan-20 | blue  |    32 |
| 22-Jan-20 | blue  |    32 |
| 23-Jan-20 | blue  |    16 |
| 24-Jan-20 | blue  |    16 |
| 25-Jan-20 | blue  |    16 |
| 26-Jan-20 | blue  |    16 |
| 27-Jan-20 | blue  |    16 |
| 28-Jan-20 | blue  |    24 |
| 29-Jan-20 | blue  |    24 |
| 30-Jan-20 | blue  |    24 |
| 31-Jan-20 | blue  |    41 |
| 1-Feb-20  | blue  |    41 |
| 2-Feb-20  | blue  |    11 |
| 3-Feb-20  | blue  |    11 |
| 4-Feb-20  | blue  |    11 |
| 5-Feb-20  | blue  |    11 |
| 6-Feb-20  | blue  |    11 |
| 7-Feb-20  | blue  |    11 |
| 8-Feb-20  | blue  |    11 |
| 9-Feb-20  | blue  |    11 |
| 10-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 11-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 12-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 13-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 14-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 15-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 16-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 17-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 18-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 19-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 20-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 21-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 22-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 23-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 24-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 25-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 26-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 27-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 28-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 29-Feb-20 | blue  |    11 |
| 1-Jan-20  | red   |     1 |
| 2-Jan-20  | red   |     1 |
| 3-Jan-20  | red   |     1 |
| 4-Jan-20  | red   |     1 |
| 5-Jan-20  | red   |     1 |
| 6-Jan-20  | red   |     1 |
| 7-Jan-20  | red   |     1 |
| 8-Jan-20  | red   |     1 |
| 9-Jan-20  | red   |     1 |
| 10-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 11-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 12-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 13-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 14-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 15-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 16-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 17-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 18-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 19-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 20-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 21-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 22-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 23-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 24-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 25-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 26-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 27-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 28-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 29-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 30-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 31-Jan-20 | red   |     1 |
| 1-Feb-20  | red   |     1 |
| 2-Feb-20  | red   |     1 |
| 3-Feb-20  | red   |     5 |
| 4-Feb-20  | red   |     5 |
| 5-Feb-20  | red   |     5 |
| 6-Feb-20  | red   |    11 |
| 7-Feb-20  | red   |    11 |
| 8-Feb-20  | red   |    11 |
| 9-Feb-20  | red   |    11 |
| 10-Feb-20 | red   |    11 |
| 11-Feb-20 | red   |     4 |
| 12-Feb-20 | red   |     4 |
| 13-Feb-20 | red   |     4 |
| 14-Feb-20 | red   |     4 |
| 15-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 16-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 17-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 18-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 19-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 20-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 21-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 22-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 23-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 24-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 25-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 26-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 27-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 28-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |
| 29-Feb-20 | red   |     6 |


有人可以告诉我如何在 Oracle SQL 中执行此操作吗?


为了您的方便,下面是在 Oracle 中生成表的 sql 查询:

with tbl as (
    select to_date('1/28/2020 09:29', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'red' as color,  1 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('2/3/2020 07:04', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date,  'red' as color,  5 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('2/6/2020 12:11', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date,  'red' as color,  11 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('2/11/2020 17:15', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date,  'red' as color,  4 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('2/15/2020 03:46', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date,  'red' as color,  6 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('1/16/2020 14:52', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'blue' as color, 7 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('1/19/2020 22:30', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'blue' as color, 32 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('1/23/2020 05:17', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'blue' as color, 16 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('1/28/2020 18:35', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'blue' as color, 24 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('1/31/2020 15:38', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'blue' as color, 41 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('2/2/2020 16:01', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date,  'blue' as color, 11 color_count from dual
select *
from tbl
order by color, color_date

标签: oracle



with tbl as (
    select to_date('1/28/2020 09:29', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'red' as color,  1 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('2/3/2020 07:04', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date,  'red' as color,  5 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('2/6/2020 12:11', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date,  'red' as color,  11 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('2/11/2020 17:15', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date,  'red' as color,  4 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('2/15/2020 03:46', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date,  'red' as color,  6 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('1/16/2020 14:52', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'blue' as color, 7 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('1/19/2020 22:30', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'blue' as color, 32 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('1/23/2020 05:17', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'blue' as color, 16 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('1/28/2020 18:35', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'blue' as color, 24 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('1/31/2020 15:38', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date, 'blue' as color, 41 color_count from dual union
    select to_date('2/2/2020 16:01', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as color_date,  'blue' as color, 11 color_count from dual
-- get first and last dates:
,first_record(color_date,color,color_count, end_date) as (
      trunc(min(color_date),'yyyy'), -- 1st of Jan of min(color_date) or use own hardcoded date
      min(color) keep(dense_rank first order by color_date), 
      min(color_count) keep(dense_rank first order by color_date),
      last_day(max(color_date)) as end_date -- last dat of max(color_date) or you can replace it with own hardcoded date
   from tbl
-- add them into the data from tbl:
,data as (
   select color_date,color,color_count from first_record
   select * from tbl   
-- generating all dates:
,dates_generator as (
    select color_date+N as color_date from first_record, xmltable('0 to 100000' columns N int path '.') x
    where x.n <= end_date-color_date
-- simple left join:
  ,nvl(d.color, lag(color ignore nulls) over(order by g.color_date)) as color
  ,nvl(d.color_count, lag(color_count ignore nulls) over(order by g.color_date)) as color_count
from dates_generator g
     left join data d
          on g.color_date=d.color_date
