首页 > 解决方案 > DialogFlow 代理中自定义环境的权限控制


我们在 DialogFlow 中有一个代理,并为此代理维护三个环境(dev、int 和 prod)。我们很少有开发人员可以通过开发人员权限访问此代理。他们可以在代理中进行更改并将其发布到这些环境。但是,我们希望限制他们不要将更改发布到产品。


标签: dialogflow-es


The short answer here is unfortunately not.

Dialogflow Environments are actually better thought as of "previous saved versions of the agent" rather than "environments" in the traditional sense (I absolutely detest Google's choice of name for this reason). There is no out-the-box way to restrict a specific user the ability to push to a specific environment (you can't achieve this with Service Accounts either, as the permissions aren't granular enough).

For this reason, if you wish to have "true" environment-specific permissions, then you should set up one agent per environment (ie dev, int, and prod). You can then restrict who can modify the prod agent using the standard GCP IAM systems.
