首页 > 解决方案 > Flutter - 从父级到子级调用函数(带参数)


我在调用从父母到孩子的方法时遇到问题,设置是我的脚手架有 2 个孩子,一个 listView 和一个 appbar。在应用程序栏中,我有一个 searchBar,当我在 searchBar 上搜索时,我想更新 listView。

我已经在流中看到了颤振团队的视频,但我认为对于像这样的简单案例来说这有点矫枉过正。我还发现了这个线程“Flutter 从父类调用子类函数”和@ehsaneha 响应,我认为这对我的用例来说非常好。我可以使用 appBar 构造函数中的函数从搜索栏获取数据到父级,然后从父级调用它到 listView !我做到了,当你不向函数提供任何数据时它工作得很好,但是一旦你需要参数(比如在这种情况下在搜索栏中输入的字符串)它就不再工作了。我有一个错误说:


在“= updateList”部分:

  _ListViewState(ListViewController _controller) {
    _controller.updateList = updateList;

我对此有点迷茫,我不确定我是否朝着正确的方向前进,我在搜索中找不到简单的答案。我来自 Angular,我找不到像 observable 这样简单的东西,我可以把它交给我的 listView 以便它订阅它。


编辑 :


所以我有一个看起来像这样的 homepage.dart

final ListViewController listViewController = ListViewController();

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
 return Scaffold(
   appBar: MyAppBar(setSearchString: setSearchString),
   body: MyListView(controller: listViewController)

  setSearchString(String searchString) {

在我的 listView 中,我已经设置了能够访问 updateList() 函数所需的一切,它看起来像这样:

class MyListView extends StatefulWidget {
  final ListViewController controller;

  _MyListViewState createState() => _MyListViewState(controller);

class _MyListViewState extends State<MyListView> {
  _MyListViewState(ListViewController _controller) {
    _controller.updateList = updateList;

  updateList() {
    print('In updateList !');


所以这就是我所在的位置,它现在工作正常,但是一旦我想向 updateList() 添加一个参数,比如 updateList(String text),它就会给我上面提到的错误。我希望我添加了足够的代码,如果不是这样,请告诉我,我会尝试添加需要的代码!

标签: flutterparent-child


因此,首先让我向您展示一个如何使用您的方法解决此问题的示例 -请同时阅读代码块中的注释 - 这些应该有助于更好地理解我在那里所做的事情!

剧透:我们不想在 Flutter 中这样做,因为它会导致到处传递对象/函数,并且很难维护这样的代码 - 这个“问题”有很好的解决方案,总结在“国家管理”。


class SearchModel {
  String searchString = '';

然后我们有我们的简约视图,我们在其中使用 Scaffold 小部件和(就像在您的示例中一样)AppBar 和 ListView:

class HomeView extends StatefulWidget {
  _HomeViewState createState() => _HomeViewState();

class _HomeViewState extends State<HomeView> {
  SearchModel _searchModel = SearchModel();

  _updateSearch(String searchQuery) {
    /// The setState function is provided by StatefulWidget, every Widget we
    /// create which extends StatefulWidget has access to this function. By calling
    /// this function we essentially say Flutter we want the Widget (which is coupled
    /// with this state of this StatefulWidget) that we want to rebuild (call the build
    /// function again)
    setState(() {
      _searchModel.searchString = searchQuery;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: PreferredSize(
        /// We pass down the _updateSearch function to our AppBar so when the user
        /// changes the text in the TextField it will update the searchString in our
        /// SearchModel object and call setState so we rebuild HomeViewState (which is
        /// currently the root of our app, so everything gets rebuilded)
          child: MyAppBar(
            searchFunction: _updateSearch,
          preferredSize: Size.fromHeight(kToolbarHeight)),
          /// In MyListView, where we use the ListView internally to show the results, we
          /// just pass down our SearchModel object where the searchString is maintained
          /// so we can filter our list
      body: MyListView(
        searchModel: _searchModel,

现在我们的 AppBar 用户可以在其中输入一些内容并搜索我们的列表:

class MyAppBar extends StatefulWidget {
  /// This is how we declare a function type in Dart where we say which
  /// kind of parameters (here String) it will use
  final Function(String) searchFunction;


  _MyAppBarState createState() => _MyAppBarState();

class _MyAppBarState extends State<MyAppBar> {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return AppBar(
      title: TextField(
        /// onChanged of TextField needs a function where we pass down
        /// a String and do what we want, thats what the searchFunction is for!
        onChanged: widget.searchFunction,

最后但并非最不重要的一点是 ListView Widget,我们在其中显示一些元素,如果用户更改了 AppBar 的 TextField 中的输入,我们想要过滤这些元素并仅显示与 searchQuery 匹配的元素:

class MyListView extends StatefulWidget {
  final SearchModel searchModel;


  _MyListViewState createState() => _MyListViewState();

class _MyListViewState extends State<MyListView> {
  List<String> games = [
    'Anno 1602',
    'Final Fantasy 7',
    'Final Fantasy 8',
    'Dark Souls'

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ListView(
      /// Some minimalistic usage of functions which are usable on List objects:
      /// I initialised a random List of game names as Strings and the first thing
      /// I want to do is to filter out all the games which contain the same String
      /// pattern like the searchQuery which the user entered - this is done with the
      /// where function. The where function returns the filtered list, on this filtered
      /// list i use the map function, which takes every object from this list and "maps"
      /// it to whatever we want, here for every game String I want a ListTile Widget which
      /// is being used for our ListView! At the end I have to call toList() since those
      /// functions return so called Iterables instead of List object, "basically" the same
      /// but different classes so we just change the Iterables to List
      children: games
          .where((game) => game
            (game) => ListTile(
              title: Text(game),

好吧,这行得通,但是正如我在开始时所说的那样,这样做会迫使您将对象/函数传递给每个 Widget 字面上的任何地方!一旦你的应用程序变得足够大,你所有的小部件都会有几十个参数,你很快就会忘记你在哪里做了什么,维护、改进、扩展你的代码几乎是不可能的。

这就是为什么我们需要一种叫做状态管理的东西!尽管 Flutter 很新,至少与其他知名框架相比,社区为状态管理提出了许多不同的解决方案/方法。您应该自己阅读以找出最适合您的解决方案 - 实际上很大程度上取决于个人喜好。由于我个人喜欢并使用 Provider(您可以单独使用它作为解决方案)和 MobX,我将向您展示如何仅使用 Provider(https://pub.dev/packages/提供者):

首先是我们的 SearchModel,它现在得到了扩展

/// We extend our classes which are basically our "States" with ChangeNotifier
/// so we enable our class to notify all listeners about a change - you will see
/// why!
class SearchModel extends ChangeNotifier {
  String searchString = '';

  /// Now we don't update the searchString variable directly anymore, we use a
  /// function because we need to call notifiyListeners every time we change something
  /// where we want to notify everyone and all the listeners can react to this change!
  updateSearchString(searchQuery) {
    this.searchString = searchQuery;

现在我们的新 AppBar:

/// Our own Widgets MyAppBar and MyListView are not Stateless! We don't need the state
/// anymore (at least in this example) since we won't use setState anymore and tell
/// our Widgets to rebuild, but will make use of a Widget provided by the Provider
/// package which will rebuild itself dynamically! More later in MyListView
class MyAppBar extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return AppBar(
      title: TextField(
        /// context.watch is also a function added through the Provider package where
        /// we can access objects which have been provided by a Provider Widget (you
        /// will see this in the HomeView implementation) and thats how we now pass
        /// the function instead of passing it down to this Widget manually! Easier right?
        onChanged: context.watch<SearchModel>().updateSearchString,

更新后的 ListView:

class MyListView extends StatelessWidget {
  final List<String> games = [
    'Anno 1602',
    'Final Fantasy 7',
    'Final Fantasy 8',
    'Dark Souls'

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ListView(
      /// Just like in the MyAppBar implementation we can access our SearchModel object
      /// directly by using context.watch instead of passing it down to our Widget!
      /// again: very nice
      /// The function itself hasn't been changed!
      /// Since we are using the watch function on a object which extends ChangeNotifier,
      /// every time it gets updated, this will get rebuilded automatically! Magic
      children: games
          .where((game) => game.toLowerCase().contains(
            (game) => ListTile(
              title: Text(game),

现在我们的 HomeView 基本上开始这个视图:

/// Every Widget we created manually now is stateless since we don't manage any
/// state by ourself now, which reduces the boilerplate and makes accessing stuff easier!
/// Whats left: in our MyListView and MyAppBar Widgets we accessed the SearchModel
/// object with context.watch ... but how is this possible? Well, we need to provide
/// it somehow of course - thats where the Provider packages gets handy again!
class HomeView extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    /// The Provider package has several Provider Widgets, one is the ChangeNotifierProvider
    /// which can be used to provide objects which extend ChangeNotifier, just what we need!
    /// Some background: we have to remember that Flutter is basically a big tree. Usually we
    /// use a MaterialApp Widget as the root Widget and after that everything else is being
    /// passed down as a child which will result in a big tree. What we do here: As early as we
    /// need it / want to we place our Provider Widget and "pass down" our Model which should be
    /// accessible for every Widget down the tree. Every Widget which is now under this Provider
    /// (in our case MyAppBar and MyListView) can access this object with context.watch and
    /// work with it
    return ChangeNotifierProvider(
      create: (_) => SearchModel(),
      builder: (context, _) => Scaffold(
        appBar: PreferredSize(
            child: MyAppBar(), preferredSize: Size.fromHeight(kToolbarHeight)),
        body: MyListView(),

有很多东西要读——很抱歉写了这么长,但我想确保向您展示问题,如何尝试您的方法来解决它,以及为什么尽早学习和使用 Flutter 中的状态管理如此重要!我希望这能让你很好地了解它为什么重要和好,并且它使 Flutter 更加出色。

我在此示例中使用 Provider 的方式也只是使用此状态管理解决方案的众多方式之一 - 我强烈建议您自己在我之前链接的 Provider 本身的 pub.dev 站点上阅读它。有很多示例如何以及何时使用 Provider 的不同小部件/方法!

