首页 > 解决方案 > 从字符串转换为日期时间,然后存储在列表 C#



因此,我从表示层获得了患者 ID、员工 ID、visitType 和 DateTime 的用户输入,我想通过业务层将其添加到列表中。

dateTime 作为字符串输入,我可以将其存储为字符串,但我想做的是将其转换为 DateTime,然后能够将其存储在列表中。这是我遇到错误的地方。


        private void BtnAddVisit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            txtOutput.Text = "";
                if (healthSystem.addVisit(new int[2] { 1, 3 }, 1, visitTypes.assessment, "01/01/2020 09:00")) //Should be OK
                    txtOutput.Text += "Visit 1 added.\n";
            catch (Exception ex)
                txtOutput.Text += ex.Message;

            txtOutput.Text += healthSystem.getVisitList();


public Boolean addVisit(int[] staff, int patient, int type, string dateTime)
            //if the number of objects in the visit list is equal to 6, clear the list to avoid repeated output in textbox
            if (visit.Count == 6)

            //converting from string to dateTime 
            for (int i = 0; i < visit.Count; i++)
                //the original task was to store 6 instances so thats why is says < 7
                if (visit.Count < 7)
                    DateTime oDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime);


            //adding all the visits, regardless of if the data is valid or not
            Visit v = new Visit();
                v.Staff = staff;
                v.Patient = patient;
                v.Type = type;
                v.DateTime = oDate;  

                //adds instance of visit to the visit list

                return true;

我的理解是我会写 v.DateTime = oDate; 但它告诉我“oDate”在当前上下文中不存在。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace BusinessLayer
    class Visit

        int[] staff;
        int patient, type;
        string dateTime;

        public Visit()


        // Constructor for Staff, using example from week 5 practical
        public Visit(int [] aStaff, int aPatient, int aType, string aDateTime)
            staff = aStaff;
            patient = aPatient;
            type = aType;
            dateTime = aDateTime;


        public int[] Staff
            set { staff = value; }
            get { return staff; }
        public int Patient
            set { patient = value; }
            get { return patient; }

        public int Type
            set { type = value; }
            get { return type; }

        public string DateTime

            set { dateTime = value; }
            get { return dateTime; }



标签: c#winforms


这里的问题是变量 oDate 仅存在于您声明它的范围内。在您的情况下,它只能在您的 if 语句中使用。


public Boolean addVisit(int[] staff, int patient, int type, string dateTime)
        //if the number of objects in the visit list is equal to 6, clear the list to avoid repeated output in textbox
        if (visit.Count == 6)

        DateTime oDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime);;
        //converting from string to dateTime 
        for (int i = 0; i < visit.Count; i++)
            //the original task was to store 6 instances so thats why is says < 7
            if (visit.Count < 7)
                //DateTime oDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTime);
                // Because you definded oDate inside your if clause it is only accessible inside the clause

        //adding all the visits, regardless of if the data is valid or not
        Visit v = new Visit();
            v.Staff = staff;
            v.Patient = patient;
            v.Type = type;
            v.DateTime = oDate;  

            //adds instance of visit to the visit list

            return true;
