首页 > 解决方案 > Bulk Upload in ElasticSearch using Nest library in C#


I a trying to bulk insert into ElasticSearch using BulkAll API from Nest library in C#. In order to assign an Id to each document, I am using BufferToBulk option to customize my individual documents. In general, the BulkAll finishes very fast. However, when I use BufferToBulk, it takes entire timeout time to finish. I can not figure out, what is wrong in the code below. Please note that I am using a list of dictionary objects to upload and the uploading works fine, but it is extremely slow.

        BulkAllObservable<Dictionary<string, object>> bulkAll = esClient.BulkAll(BatchedDocumets1, b => b
        .BufferToBulk((descriptor, list) =>
            foreach (var item in list)
                if (keyindex < ListOfKeys.Count)
                    descriptor.Index<Dictionary<string, object>>(bi => bi
        //how many retries are attempted if a failure occurs. Can be configurable.
        //how long to wait between retries. Can be configurable
        //refresh the index once the bulk operation completes
        .DroppedDocumentCallback((item, Document) =>
            Logger.LogMessage(MOD.Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error, " The document can not be indexed. Bulk all indexing will be halted.");

        bulkAll.Subscribe(new BulkAllObserver(
            onNext: (b) => { Logger.LogMessage(MOD.Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug, " Next value: "); },
            onError: (e) => { throw e; },
            onCompleted: () => Logger.LogMessage(MOD.Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug, "Bulk Upload Completed!")

        bulkAll.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), null); // We can configure this.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

标签: c#elasticsearchnest

