首页 > 解决方案 > 多个 IF EXISTS 语句以提高级别



IF EXISTS (SELECT top 1 * from tblDiscounts where ItemType_Fkey = 5176 order by EntryDate desc) 
    SELECT top 1 * from tblDiscounts where ItemType_Fkey = 5176 order by EntryDate desc
ELSE IF EXISTS (SELECT discount_fkey from tblItems where ID = (select Item_Fkey from tblItemType where ID = 5176)) 
    select * from tblDiscounts where ID = (SELECT discount_fkey from tblItems where ID = (select Item_Fkey from tblItemType where ID = 5176))
    select top 1 * from tblDiscounts where ID NOT IN (select Discount_Fkey from tblItems) and ItemType_Fkey is null


标签: sqlsql-server


考虑到您的查询的简单性,以及您用一个单一的方式调用它的事实,@id是否需要提高性能是有争议的。然而,鉴于 T-SQL 更适合基于集合的解决方案,解决此类问题的一种方法是首先使用order by获得最高优先级的结果,例如

select top 1 *
from tblDiscounts
order by
    -- Highest priority condition
    case when ItemType_Fkey = @Id then 1 else 0 end desc
    -- Second highest priority condition
    , case when ID = (select discount_fkey from tblItems where ID = (select Item_Fkey from tblItemType where ID = @Id)) then 1 else 0 end desc
    -- Third highest priority condition
    , case when ID not in (select Discount_Fkey from tblItems) and ItemType_Fkey is null then 1 else 0 end
    -- And then use the latest one matching our criteria
    , EntryDate desc;

为了调试它,将order by计算放在查询中并删除,top 1因为这将允许您查看逻辑工作并在必要时对其进行调整,例如

select *
    -- Highest priority condition
    , case when ItemType_Fkey = @Id then 1 else 0 end
    -- Second highest priority condition
    , case when ID = (select discount_fkey from tblItems where ID = (select Item_Fkey from tblItemType where ID = @Id)) then 1 else 0 end
    -- Third highest priority condition
    , case when ID not in (select Discount_Fkey from tblItems) and ItemType_Fkey is null then 1 else 0 end
    -- And then use the latest one matching our criteria
    , EntryDate
from tblDiscounts
order by
    -- Highest priority condition
    case when ItemType_Fkey = @Id then 1 else 0 end desc
    -- Second highest priority condition
    , case when ID = (select discount_fkey from tblItems where ID = (select Item_Fkey from tblItemType where ID = @Id)) then 1 else 0 end desc
    -- Third highest priority condition
    , case when ID not in (select Discount_Fkey from tblItems) and ItemType_Fkey is null then 1 else 0 end desc
    -- And then use the latest one matching our criteria
    , EntryDate desc;
