首页 > 解决方案 > 通过 $set 更改对象属性给出:“TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined”



我对 Web 开发和 Vue.js 或 Javascript 比较陌生。我正在尝试实现一个系统,使用户能够上传图片和视频并为其投票。一般来说,整个系统都工作。但是因为我从服务器获取了所有信息,所以用于显示文件的对象 + 它们的统计信息不是反应性的。我试图改变我将对象的属性从 "file['votes'] ) await data.data().votes" 更改为 "file.$set('votes', await data.data().votes )”。但是现在我得到了 TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined Error。我不知道为什么会发生这种情况,或者这个错误甚至意味着什么。在互联网上搜索了很多之后,我找不到任何有同样问题的人。我的方法一定有遗传上的错误。



async viewVideo() {
  this.videoURLS = []
  this.videoFiles = []
  this.videoTitels = []
  var storageRef = firebase.storage().ref();
  var videourl = []
  var listRef = storageRef.child('User-Videos/');
  var firstPage = await listRef.list({
    maxResults: 100
  videourl = firstPage
  if (firstPage.nextPageToken) {
    var secondPage = await listRef.list({
      maxResults: 100,
      pageToken: firstPage.nextPageToken,
    videourl = firstPage + secondPage

  if (this.videoURLS.length == 0) {
    await videourl.items.map(async refImage => {

      var ii = refImage.getDownloadURL()

    try {
      await this.videoURLS.forEach(async file => {

        var fale2 = undefined
        await file.then(url => {
          fale2 = url.substring(url.indexOf("%") + 3)
          fale2 = fale2.substring(0, fale2.indexOf("?"))
        await db.collection("Files").doc(fale2).get().then(async data => {
          file.$set('titel', await data.data().titel)
          file.$set('date', await data.data().date)
          if (file.$set('voted', await data.data().voted)) {
            file.$set('voted', [])
          file.$set('votes', await data.data().votes)
          if (file.$set('votes', await data.data().votes)) {
            file.$set('votes', 0)
          await this.videoFiles.push(file)
          this.uploadDate = data.data().date
          this.videoFiles.sort(function(a, b) {
            return a.date - b.date;
    } catch (error) {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>

标签: javascriptvue.jswebsettypeerror


首先,file.$set('votes', await data.data().votes)是使用错误的语法。应该是this.$set(file, 'votes', data.data().votes)。我猜第二个data返回data()一个带有投票作为属性的对象。

您在这里不需要使用 await 。await db.collection("Files").doc(fale2).get().then(async data => {....

您已经在.then此处以块的形式使用了 Promise。异步等待和then/catch块基本上做同样的事情。这是一个或另一个。

请查看这篇精彩的帖子,其中介绍了如何在 javascript 中处理异步代码。现在了解 javascript 的异步特性非常重要。



async viewVideo() {
  this.videoURLS = []
  this.videoFiles = []
  this.videoTitels = []
  var storageRef = firebase.storage().ref();
  var videourl = '' // videourl should be initialised as a string 
  var listRef = storageRef.child('User-Videos/');
  var firstPage = listRef.list({  // the await here isn't necessary as this function isn't expected to return a promise(isn't asynchronous) to the best of my knowledge.
    maxResults: 100
  videourl = firstPage
  if (firstPage.nextPageToken) {
    var secondPage = listRef.list({  // same as above
      maxResults: 100,
      pageToken: firstPage.nextPageToken,
    videourl = firstPage + secondPage // videourl is a string here

  if (this.videoURLS.length == 0) {
    videourl.items.map(async refImage => { //videourl is acting as an object here (something seems off here) - please explain what is happening here
// again await is not needed here as the map function does not return a promise

      var ii = refImage.getDownloadURL()

    try {
      this.videoURLS.forEach(file => { // await here is not necessary as the forEach method does not return a promise

      // The 'async' keyword is not necessary here. It is required to use the await keyword and due to the database call here, ordinarily it wouldn't be out of place, but you deal with that bit of asynchronous code using a `.then` block. It's `async-await` or `.then` and never both.

        var fale2 = undefined
        file.then(url => { // await is not necessary here as you use `.then`
        // Also, does `file` return a promise? That's the only thing I can infer from `file.then`. It looks odd.
          fale2 = url.substring(url.indexOf("%") + 3)
          fale2 = fale2.substring(0, fale2.indexOf("?"))
         db.collection("Files").doc(fale2).get().then(data => { // await and async not necessary due to the same reasons outlined above
          this.$set(file, 'titel', data.data().titel) // correct syntax according to vue's documentation - https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Change-Detection-Caveats

          this.$set(file, 'date', data.data().date)
          if (this.$set(file, 'voted', data.data().voted)) { // I don't know what's going on here, I will just correct the syntax. I am not focused on the logic at this point
            this.$set(file, 'voted', [])
          this.$set(file, 'votes', data.data().votes)
          if (this.$set(file, 'votes', data.data().votes)) {
            this.$set(file, 'votes', 0)
          this.videoFiles.push(file) // await not necessary here as the push method does not return a promise and also is not asynchronous

          this.uploadDate = data.data().date
          this.videoFiles.sort(function(a, b) {
            return a.date - b.date;
    } catch (error) {

