首页 > 解决方案 > Python3如何创建一个返回抵押场景模拟的函数




此外,我希望第 1 年的起始金额为抵押金额(即示例中的 1,000,000),但输出显示为 (900,000)


mortgage_amount = float(input('Enter mortgage loan amount: '))
duration = int(input('Enter the number of period in years: '))
fixed_payment = float(input('Enter the fixed payment amount per period: '))
interest = float(input('Enter the annual interest rate: '))
frequency = int(input('Enter the number of times payment occur per year: '))

interest_converted = interest / 100 / frequency
interest_payment = interest_converted * beginning_balance
beginning_balance = mortgage_amount

for i in range(0, duration):
    interest_payment = beginning_balance * interest_converted
    interest_payment_TVOM = interest_payment * (1 + interest_converted)
    ending_balance = beginning_balance - fixed_payment 
    beginning_balance = ending_balance
    total_payment = interest_payment_TVOM + fixed_payment

    print('Year:{:1}, Beginning Balance: ${:.0f}, Interest Payment: ${:.0f}, Fixed Payment: ${:.0f}, Total Payment: ${:.0f}, Ending Balance: ${:.0f}'.format(i + 1, beginning_balance, interest_payment_TVOM, fixed_payment, total_payment, ending_balance))


print('total payment: ', total_payment)
print('total interest: ', interest_payment)


Enter mortgage loan amount: 1000000
Enter the number of period in years: 10
Enter the fixed payment amount per period: 100000
Enter the annual interest rate: 1.5
Enter the number of times payment occur per year: 1

Year:1, Beginning Balance: $900000, Interest Payment: $15225, Fixed Payment: $100000, Total Payment: $115225, Ending Balance: $900000
Year:2, Beginning Balance: $800000, Interest Payment: $13702, Fixed Payment: $100000, Total Payment: $113702, Ending Balance: $800000
Year:3, Beginning Balance: $700000, Interest Payment: $12180, Fixed Payment: $100000, Total Payment: $112180, Ending Balance: $700000
Year:4, Beginning Balance: $600000, Interest Payment: $10657, Fixed Payment: $100000, Total Payment: $110658, Ending Balance: $600000
Year:5, Beginning Balance: $500000, Interest Payment: $9135, Fixed Payment: $100000, Total Payment: $109135, Ending Balance: $500000
Year:6, Beginning Balance: $400000, Interest Payment: $7612, Fixed Payment: $100000, Total Payment: $107612, Ending Balance: $400000
Year:7, Beginning Balance: $300000, Interest Payment: $6090, Fixed Payment: $100000, Total Payment: $106090, Ending Balance: $300000
Year:8, Beginning Balance: $200000, Interest Payment: $4568, Fixed Payment: $100000, Total Payment: $104568, Ending Balance: $200000
Year:9, Beginning Balance: $100000, Interest Payment: $3045, Fixed Payment: $100000, Total Payment: $103045, Ending Balance: $100000
Year:10, Beginning Balance: $0, Interest Payment: $1522, Fixed Payment: $100000, Total Payment: $101522, Ending Balance: $0

total payment:  101522.5
total interest:  1500.0

标签: python-3.xfor-loop



上手之后。:) 您可以在循环之外设置一个累积变量,以跟踪本金的运行总额(最后应该加上贷款金额)和利息。


tot_payments = 0   # to gather the total principal payments
tot_interest = 0   # to gather the interest

for period in range(num_periods):
    # calculate principal and interest
    # add to the accumulations like...
    tot_payment += payment
