首页 > 解决方案 > HTML 模板未在屏幕上呈现


我目前正在使用 Web 组件的模板功能为我的投资组合构建 Twitter 克隆。但是,单击推文按钮时,我的模板没有呈现在屏幕上。我目前收到错误“ Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null at HTMLButtonElement.postTweetButton.onclick ”。

我试图移动'tweetText.innerHTML = tweetBoxInput;' 绕行无济于事。我的tweetText变量的值是正确的,所以我不确定为什么无法设置该属性。我怀疑这与模板没有正确导入有关。

JS 小提琴: https ://jsfiddle.net/manoj1234/mty68qng/13/



window.onload = () => {

  const createTweetContainer = document.getElementById("createTweetContainer");

  const createTweetButton = document.getElementById("createTweetButton");
  const backArrow = document.getElementById("backArrow");

  const tweetBox = document.getElementById("tweetBox");

  let tweetBoxInput;

  const pinnedTweet = document.getElementById("pinnedTweet");
  const tweetContainer = document.getElementById("tweetContainer");

  const tweetSentContainer = document.getElementById("tweetSentContainer");

    createTweetButton.onclick = () => {
    createTweetContainer.style.display = "block";
    tweetBox.value = "";

  backArrow.onclick = () => {
    createTweetContainer.style.display = "none";

  postTweetButton.onclick = () => {

    var tweetText = document.getElementById("tweetText");


    tweetBoxInput = tweetBox.value;

    if (tweetBoxInput == "") {
      console.log("please write tweet");
    } else {

      createTweetContainer.style.display = "none";
      tweetSentContainer.style.display = "flex";

      var tweetTemplate = document.getElementById("tweet-template");

      var tweetInstance = document.importNode(tweetTemplate.content, true);

      tweetText.innerHTML = tweetBoxInput;


      /* Show Tweet Sent container*/
      setTimeout(() => {
        tweetSentContainer.style.height = "30px";
      }, 1000);

      setTimeout(() => {
        tweetSentContainer.style.opacity = "1";

      }, 1300);

      /* End of Show Tweet Sent container */

      /* Hide Tweet Sent container */

      setTimeout(() => {
        tweetSentContainer.style.opacity = "0";
      }, 5000);

      setTimeout(() => {
        tweetSentContainer.style.height = "0";
        tweetSentContainer.style.marginBottom = "0";
      }, 5300);

      setTimeout(() => {
        tweetSentContainer.style.display = "none";
        tweetSentContainer.style.marginBottom = "12px";
      }, 8000);

      /*End of Hide Tweet Sent container */




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/* Create Tweet Page */
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 textarea {
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  <script src="https://kit.fontawesome.com/cd801faa65.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div id="bottomFixed">

  <div id="createTweetButton">
    <i class="fas fa-feather"></i>

  <div id="tweetSentContainer">
    <p><i class="fas fa-check-circle"></i>Your Tweet was sent.</p>

  <div id="navBar">


<section id="createTweetContainer">

  <div id="createTweetHeader">
    <i id="backArrow" class="fas fa-arrow-left"></i>
    <button id="postTweetButton">Tweet</button>

  <div id="profileTweetBoxContainer">

    <figure class="tweetProfileImgContainer">
      <img class="tweetProfileImg" src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/11/08/15/21/user-1808597_1280.png">

    <textarea id="tweetBox" cols="500" rows="10" placeholder="What's Happening?"></textarea>



<section id="timelineContainer">

  <div id="pinnedTweet" class="tweetContainer">

    <figure class="tweetProfileImgContainer">
      <img class="tweetProfileImg" src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/11/08/15/21/user-1808597_1280.png">


      <h4 class="tweetName bodyText">Name <span class="greyText">@username</span></h4>

      <p class="tweetText bodyText">Tweet Text Here</p>

      <div class="tweetImgContainer">

        <div id="col-1ImgContainer">
          <img src="https://cdn.getyourguide.com/img/tour/5ac513c518061.jpeg/146.jpg">



  <template id="tweet-template">

    <div id="tweetContainer" class="tweetContainer">
      <figure class="tweetProfileImgContainer">
        <img class="tweetProfileImg" src="images/profilepicture.jpg">

        <h4 class="tweetName">Emmanuel</h4>

        <p id="tweetText"></p>






标签: javascripthtmldom


我意识到我试图更改原始模板的p标签而不是导入的节点。我添加了tweetInstance.querySelectorAll('p')[0].innerHTML = tweetBoxInput; 这会更改新节点的文本。
