首页 > 解决方案 > Codeigniter 查询未返回左表中的所有记录。只返回匹配的记录



    $select = "agents.person_id, CONCAT(people.first_name, ' ', people.last_name) as last_name, SUM(loans.referral_amount) as referral_amount, COUNT( DISTINCT loans.customer_id ) as no_customers";
            $this->db->select($select, false);
            $this->db->join('people', 'agents.person_id=people.person_id', 'LEFT');
            $this->db->join('loans', 'agents.person_id=loans.referral_agent_id AND loans.loan_status = "paid" AND loans.delete_flag = 0', 'LEFT');
            $this->db->where('agents.deleted', 0);
    return $this->db->get();

Table: agents

| person_id | deleted |  |
|         1 |       0 |  |
|         2 |       0 |  |
|         3 |       1 |  |
|         4 |       0 |  |

Table: loans

|   | loan_status | referral_amount | referral_agent_id | delete_flag|customer_id |
|   | paid        | 10              | 1                 | 0           | 2           |
|   | pending     | 20              | 1                 | 0           | 2           |
|   | approved    | 30              | 3                 | 1           | 1           |

Table: people

| person_id | first_name | last_name |
| 1         | Test       | Ken       |
| 2         | Lorem      | Ipsum     |
| 3         | Stack      | Over      |

The result I am getting

| name     | referral amount | no of customers |
| Test Ken | 10              | 1               |

What I am expecting

| name        | referral amount | no of customers |
| Test Ken    | 10              | 1               |
| Lorem Ipsum | null            | null            |
| Stack Over  | null            | null            |

标签: phpmysqlcodeigniter



同样在第二个 Join 中,您正在进行“AND”比较,尽管这是有效的,但您可以尝试先使连接起作用。我认为现在正在工作,但请确保调试您的查询打印结果并根据文档修复它,

$select = "agents.person_id, CONCAT(people.first_name, ' ', people.last_name) as last_name, SUM(loans.referral_amount) as referral_amount, COUNT( DISTINCT loans.customer_id ) as no_customers, people.phone_number";

$this->db->select($select, false);
$this->db->join('people', 'agents.person_id=people.person_id', 'LEFT');
$this->db->join('loans', 'agents.person_id=loans.referral_agent_id', 'LEFT'); 
$this->db->where('loans.loan_status', 'paid');
$this->db->where('loans.delete_flag', 0);
$this->db->where('agents.deleted', 0);


(最终建议:database.column无论何时使用 Join 时,请始终在查询中使用符号,这样更容易理解并避免两个数据库具有相同名称的列时出现错误)
