首页 > 解决方案 > 插入排序算法:哪些代码在其结构上是高效的,怎么来的?



def insertsort(iterable) :
    for current in range(len(iterable)) : # 'current' is the index of the element being sorted

        compare, n = 0,0 # Initializes 'compare' and 'n' which is used in for-loop in each current for-loop
        current_value = iterable[current] # Saves the element being sorted since the corresponding space will be assigned by the leading value
        for compare in range(0,current) : # Compares the element from [0] to the element right ahead of [current]            
            if iterable[compare] > iterable[current] : # Finds where to insert 'current_value,' stored value of [current]

                for n in range(current,compare,-1) : # Translate the values to one space to make the space where 'current_value' will be put empty
                    iterable[n] = iterable[n-1]
                iterable[compare] = current_value # Insert the saved value of [current] to the right place


def insertsort(iterable) :
    for current in range(1,len(iterable)) : # iterable[0] is consdiered as resorted in the beginning
        current_value = iterable[current] # saving current value
        compare = current
        while 0 < compare and iterable[compare-1] > current_value : # finding out where to put the sorted current value
            iterable[compare] = iterable[compare-1] # this line in the while loop moves the elements not sorted
            compare -= 1 

        iterable[compare] = current_value # put current value into the right place that the while loop found out




根据 10 次平均运行时间,第二个也展示了看似高效的性能,对 10000 个连续元素进行排序(数据 = [i for i in range(10000, 0, -1)]

它快了大约 0.4 秒,而将它们全部排序大约需要 16 秒。

但是,当使用 100,000 个连续元素进行测试时(data = [i for i in range(100000, 0 ,-1)]),第一个(我制作的)比第二个快。

第一个大约 1700 秒,比第二个快 200 秒。


  1. 每个代码的时间复杂度是多少?我假设两者都是 n^2 虽然我不确定。
  2. 为什么我做的那个似乎表现更好?我在第二个循环中将 for 循环和 if 语句放入 while 循环,但我猜它让它变慢了。


标签: pythonpython-3.xalgorithmsortinginsertion-sort

