首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Cookie 上指定 SameSite 和 Secure(使用 axios/React/Node Express)



Because a cookie's SameSite attribute was not set or is invalid, it defaults to SameSite=Lax,
which prevents the cookie from being set in a cross-site context. This behavior protects 
user data from accidentally leaking to third parties and cross-site request forgery.

Resolve this issue by updating the attributes of the cookie:
Specify SameSite=None and Secure if the cookie is intended to be set in cross-site contexts.
Note that only cookies sent over HTTPS may use the Secure attribute.

我在我的 React 客户端上使用这样的 axios:

axios.defaults.withCredentials = true
axios.post('https://easytalkchatappv2.herokuapp.com/signin', {
      username: username,
      password: password
    }).then(res => {

我正在使用 JWT 设置 cookie,方法是在 /signin 的 post 请求中的 Nodejs Express 服务器中执行此操作:

const user = {id: resp.insertedId}
const accessToken = await jwt.sign(user, process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)

res.cookie('token', accessToken)

我也在使用 cookie-parser。如何将这些 SameSite 和 Secure 属性添加到 cookie?

标签: node.jsreactjsexpresscookiesaxios


您应该能够将 'secure' 和 'sameSite' 属性传递给 res.cookie 方法;像下面的 x 被替换为您想要使用的值:

res.cookie('token', accessToken, { sameSite: x, secure: x })

如 Express 文档中所示: https ://expressjs.com/en/api.html#res.cookie
