首页 > 解决方案 > 在 WPF 应用程序的 DataGrid 中显示 SQL 查询的结果


查询的结果在 SqlDataReader 中,它可以有灵活的列数和行数。

string mySQLQuery= "select * from myTable";
SqlCommand myTableCommand = new SqlCommand(mySQLQuery, MyConnection);
SqlDataReader myReader = null;
myReader = myTableCommand.ExecuteReader();

我想做的是在 DataGrid 中显示结果。.xaml 部分是这样的:

<DataGrid Name="myDataGrid" SelectionMode="Extended" SelectionUnit="Cell" AutoGenerateColumns="True" AlternatingRowBackground="LightCyan" 
    ItemsSource="{Binding}" IsEnabled="True" IsReadOnly="True" Background="WhiteSmoke" Margin="13,27,8,110" CanUserSortColumns="True">

.xaml.cs 部分中用于将我的表的值显示到 DataGrid 中的以下代码块是完全假设的,只是为了阐明我想要做什么:

// suppose that I have read the list of headers (column names)
// and suppose a button is clicked and an event is triggered and these codes are fit into that event
List<string> myHeaders = new List<string>() { "ID" , "Name" , "Country" , "City" };
myDataGrid.headers= myHeaders; // no method called "header" in reality
While (myReader.Read())
 myDataGrid.RowValues = myReader // no method called "RowValues" in reality

我更喜欢没有单独的类来管理 DataGrid 的每一列的解决方案,因为这样很难拥有灵活的列数。显然我希望我的结果是这样的:

 ID   |  Name  |  Country  | City
 123  |  John  |  England  | London
 456  |  Jane  |  Ireland  | Dublin
 ...     ...        ...       ... 

此链接中的答案都没有帮助: How to display SQL search results in a datagrid using WPF

标签: c#sqlwpfxamldatagrid




string mySQLQuery= "select * from myTable";
SqlCommand myTableCommand = new SqlCommand(mySQLQuery, MyConnection);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlDataAdapter a = new SqlDataAdapter(myTableCommand );
myDataGrid.ItemsSource = dt.DefaultView;
